Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Triathlete Champs!

Both girls competed and completed the Goshen Kerry's Kids Triathlon again this year.  They worked their hardest and did awesome.  Olivia was thrilled her good friend and soccer teammate Brooke was participating this year as well.  Mia saw some of her old buddies from Jackie's there, Lola, Easton, and Cooper.  The event is always put on so well and is a lot of fun.  Thank you Goshen Parks and Recreation for all the efforts to keep this event going annually, even when part of the park is flooded.
Olivia and Brooke pre-race picture

Olivia getting ready to start

Finishing the swimming leg of the race

Exiting the bike transition area

Heading back in from the bike course

And she's off for the run leg of the race

Andy joined her for a portion of the run

The home stretch

And she's done!

Brooke crossing the finish line too!

Great job Olivia and Brooke

Lola post-race and Mia pre-race

Mia getting ready

She was all smiles throughout the swim.  We opted for a life jacket this year, but hopefully will be without one next year.

Daddy helping her transition

Off on her bike.  She pedals so fast.

Running hard at the start

Daddy and Olivia running along to encourage Mia at the last leg.

Finishing strong.  

She had a little girl pass her and beat her by less than one second, but she had fun.

Crossing the finish line

Easton sprinting for the finish

Cooper ending strong.  Both of the boys were amazing everyone around at how fast they pedaled and ran.  

Olivia came in 8th place for her age group with a time of 13:40, and Mia finished 3rd for her age group with a time of 16:41.  When Olivia was Mia's age, she did this triathlon for the first time and finished in 3rd place too.  We are so proud of the hard work are girls put out.  They are both ready to go participate again next year!


Natalie Roehrig said...

I love that your girls do triathlons! They are amazing young ladies!

Ian and Sarah Niecko said...

Amanda you are an excellent photographer! I just caught up on your blog.....some of the pictures you took of your girls could be in Kids Gap ads. I am looking forward to physically seeing you in December. xoxo friend