Thursday, December 31, 2009

9 Months on New Years Eve

It's hard to believe the year 2009 has come and gone, but with it so many new things in our life, but most importantly our happy energetic little Mia. She's been with us 9 months already today and we can't imagine life without her. Her eyes have remained blue and she still has a pretty good amount of hair. She is quieter than Olivia as a baby, but when she does start making noise she doesn't stop. We've never seen such a happy baby. She rarely fusses unless she's hungry and even then it's minimal. She will fall down or whack herself and just laughs. Mia continues to work on her road to walking. Each day she takes a few independent steps, but still likes to have something to hold onto. The speed on this girl is phenomenal! She is into everything so quickly, and when I move her away from her target, I turn and look and she's there again. Determination comes to mind as a good word to define Mia. She prefers to pull herself up and walk along things as opposed to crawling. She started waving in early December. Momma has been the key word in her vocabulary until December 19th. She looked at Andy and babbled, "Dada." He was so proud. Now "Dada" is her repeated word whenever she is happy. "Momma" is only spoken when she's tired and wants to eat. Still no teeth, but everything still goes in the mouth to either chew on or eat. I've been trying to teach her kisses. I'm not sure if she's picked up the concept or if she's just trying to eat my face, but I like to think she's giving me kisses. She also makes this smacking noise with her mouth. She smacks her lips together over and over. It reminds me of an old man chewing food without his dentures in. We've had a wonderful 9 months and know 2010 will only bring more memorable moments to our lives!
Trying out her new tricycle that Santa brought her per Olivia's suggestion to Santa. She crawls to it and pulls herself up on it all the time.
"You can't find me!"
Mia loves Vada, and the reciprocal is true too. Vada just needs to learn how big she is compared to Mia.
Mia on New Years Eve!
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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas at Nana and Papa's

We headed to Andy's parents in the afternoon on Christmas Day for lunch and to open a sea of presents overflowing the room. Robert and Jennifer joined us for the day. I'm so thankful we have most of our family all living so close. It wouldn't be Christmas without our family.
Mia had fun going after paper and bows, but was content just lounging out with Robert for a bit.
Olivia loving on her Nana for the constant flow of gifts and affection.
Jennifer and Robert gave Mia an adorable plush rocking horse that makes noise. It was quite a hit with both our girls.
Mia is sporting one of her new cute outfits from Grandma and Grandpa McNeil.

Christmas was so special this year. We got to have a relaxing time with so many family members around us. We were also overwhelmed with the amount of gifts we received from our family and friends. Even though Christmas is over we look forward to the New Year and hope it brings our family and friends only joy.
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Save the Date

After opening gifts at our house in the early morning we headed out still in our pajamas to my dad and Patty's to celebrate with them and my sister's family.
Asher, Titus, and Jadon all received ice fishing poles from Grandma and Grandpa. They were thrilled.
'Tis the season for make up
Only smiles from Mia all morning long
James playing with his potato gun.
The last gift given was an envelope. One for my dad and Patty and one for Andy and me from Elizabeth and Jared. When I opened it I found a slip of paper inside with the following stated on it:

Yes, you guessed it folks! They are expecting another baby in June. I can't believe she made it 4 months before telling any of us. I'm convinced it's another boy, but Olivia thinks it's a girl. Olivia is usually correct, and I am almost always wrong. Only time will tell. Congratulations Elizabeth and Jared!

Santa Came!

Christmas morning at our house
Santa brought Olivia the white tiger cub she requested
Olivia and Mia are opening a gift from mommy and daddy. We got the girls matching bedding for when they get moved into our old bedroom. Hopefully it will be done soon. Olivia is so excited to share a room with her sister.
Even Vada got in on the Christmas festivities.
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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve

We went to church on Christmas Eve with my dad and Patty. I love going back to the church I was raised in for this service. The communion is given as a family coming up to the altar together. For the closing hymn they turn out all the lights and sing "Silent Night" by candlelight. Each person lighting their neighbor's candle. There is a close intimacy in this particular service that I look forward to each year. It makes me slow down and enjoy the true meaning of Christmas.

After church my dad and Patty had us over for a delicious dinner. My dad attempted emulate the Ruth's Chris experience with filet mignon. I of course stuck to the potatoes and green beans. The evening was relaxing with Christmas carols playing in the background and anticipation building with each breath for our little Olivia. We opened our annual Christmas Eve pajama gifts and the girls each received an ornament from the grandparents. We were all exhausted and headed home to await Santa's arrival all snug and warm in our beds.
Grandparents and Christmas...What more can a child wish for?

The wrappings were definitely Mia's favorite part of Christmas.
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The days leading up to Christmas

On Tuesday, we baked Christmas cookies. Olivia helped mix all the dough, roll and cut them out, and then enjoyed her artistic freedom to decorate them. Olivia thinks we need to leave all of them out for Santa. She is overflowing with anticipation for the upcoming days. It's so much fun viewing Christmas from a child's eyes. I'm trying to keep our days somewhat busy with projects to help pass the time for Olivia's sake. Nana is taking Olivia to see the Princess and the Frog at the Theatre tonight. It's almost Christmas Eve. We can't wait!
This was Mia most of our baking time. I can't believe she can sleep in that contraption, but I heard her snoring back there pretty loudly. She will be fun this Christmas too. She could care less what's in the packages, but she sure does love ribbon, wrapping paper, and tissue paper.
Today we stopped over to Nana Sharon and Papa Dave's house. Olivia was ecstatic to get a Snuggie! They are so good to all of us. Just like a second family. Their tree is enormous, but beautiful as always. Visiting their house always gets me in the spirit of Christmas.
Mia enjoyed hanging out with Papa Dave too. He has such a soft spot for the babies.
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Fort Wayne for Family

On Monday, December 21st, we celebrated the first day of winter by heading down to Fort Wayne to my Aunt Joan and Scott's home. My cousin Erica had flown in from Oregon for a short visit so we couldn't miss the chance to see her. We had a nice visit and enjoyed too much of Joan's baked goods. I also got to enjoy something I haven't eaten in over 18 years I'd guess, sloppy joes. Erica is a vegetarian like myself so Joan cooked us up some veggie sloppy joes. Yum yum! Uncle Jere also came down to see Erica so Olivia was excited to see him as well. Scott is a fan on trains, so he has a little village set up, which Olivia enjoyed controlling. I'm so glad we got to see everyone. The holidays are great for getting family together, and I am thankful for that. I miss Erica so much ans rarely get to see her.
Mia was determined to get ahold of that train. Every time she'd get there, someone would pull her away. Poor thing.
Olivia at the controls as the train engineer. This happens to be the first job I wanted to do as a young child.
Erica snuggling up with squirmy Mia. Erica is so cute with babies. She loves on them so sweetly, but is so paranoid of them getting hurt.
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hairy Christmas to All!

A tradition at the Feyes' Family Christmas happens to be the white elephant gift exchange. This was Robert's first year attending the Christmas party, but he left a lasting impression. His generous gift he gave included an assortment of glorious items, from a boot warmer, hat washing contraption, to the gorgeous toupee that my husband was blessed with.
Everyone got a good laugh out of it.
So that's what John looked like when he had hair!
Mia and her flowing locks of thick hair
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Feyes' Family Christmas

Apparently, the year before Andy's Grandma Feyes passed away she won this giant Santa Claus. A few years ago, it was dug out of storage and decided it should rotate each year to one family to have out for Christmas. Guess who got it this year? Yes, you guessed it. The giant Santa is now in our house until next year.

Andy's parents hosted the annual Feyes' Family Christmas, which is Papa John's side of the family, on Sunday, December 20th. Sadly, due to so many conflicting schedules not many extended members of the family made the trip, but we still had a terrific time. Aunt Mary Kay and Uncle Jerome drove up and brought three of their grandchildren, Brandon, Nick, and Dena.
Olivia and Dena riding Olivia's 4 wheeler around the yard
Mia climbing on Dena
Aunt Jennifer and Robert cuddling up with Mia
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Potts' Family Christmas

Steve holding Mia

Saturday, December 19th we headed to my dad and Patty's for the Potts' Family Christmas. This year was a difficult Christmas to get through, since it is our first Christmas without Patty's father, Dave Potts. I know the next couple of weeks will continue to be a hard time for Patty, her sisters, and especially her mother. I pray God gives them the strength to reflect on fond memories of Christmases past, and the courage to look forward to Christmases in years ahead. With emotions aside, we had a pleasant visit with everyone.
Elizabeth with her "Momma's boy," James
Pat and Mark sporting their sexy gift from Patty. Patty gave all the men these underwear brief men's aprons with a chili pepper motif. They were quite commical.
Olivia hanging out on Grandma Patty's lap.
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Monday, December 21, 2009

Feyes Family Together

Andy's grandma Betty and her husband Ed came up for a week from Arkansas the same week that Aaron and Christy came up from Georgia. It was wonderful being able to get the family all together. It was Mia's first time meeting her great grandparents.
Mia's first Elmo
Olivia trying on her new wings with Aunt Christy
Posted by PicasaMia and Olivia (Olivia posing and Mia eating whatever she can) That's my girls!