Thursday, April 26, 2012

Everything's Not Always Black and White

Anyone who has ever met our family or stepped foot in our house knows we always have projects going on.  Our basement has been a work in progress for almost nine years now.  We've almost finished it, but it's just sat dormant, waiting for some attention from anyone but the dog and the occassional mice that we've had issues with in the past.  Well, we are in the home stretch and trying to finish her off.  It will be nice to have another level of the house that is ready to be invaded by us.  Andy's just thrilled to get his "man space," but I've had fun planning how to decorate his "man space."  I had to promise not to make it feminine, but I don't want it to scream, "Come belch and scratch yourself," either.  I have a plan in place, but we'll have to wait and see how it all unfolds.  I'll be sure to post pictures of the finished product on the blog.  In the meantime we've had fun doing a bit of furniture shopping, buying Andy his long awaited TV, and checking out paint and carpet samples.  A few old chairs have been picked up from a second hand store so I can have some creative fun refinishing them too.  Where I have come to a hault with ideas was the artwork for the walls.  Bare walls just don't survive in my home.  I don't like them cluttered, but the artist in my screams when it sees a blank wall.  It's just longing for a masterpiece to display.  I think I've found the solution.  Lately, I find myself looking at my beautiful girls and all their quirky faces they make.  I try and memorize each face and mood it depicts.  I thought a few months ago how fun it would be to have a photo session of the girls and their silly faces.  Aha, that's it!  My artwork for the walls, will be the faces I love to see.  Believe it or not, I have no plain white walls in my house.  I wanted to try out some photos with just a bare white background, so I played around with the girls last  night in the kitchen on the almost white walls to just get an idea how it would work.  They had so much fun, as did I.  I don't think these will be the chosen few, but I thought they were worth showing off.

Olivia's giving mom attitude face

Mia with her finger in it's favorite spot

All smiles

Daddy told her to go in time out, so we could get an authentic sad face.  It was pittiful.

Bored and longingly gazing off

Just plain silly

Incredible Hulk?

A genuine laugh

Oh how I love these faces.  Faces that will forever be burnt into my memory, but it's nice to see them in black and white some times.  Not everything in this world is always black and white, but my love for my girls is.  There's no denying it! 
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Monday, April 16, 2012

Lions, and Tigers, and Police, Oh My!

Amanda, Mia, Tight End Tony Scheffler, Jadon, Olivia, Dad, Elizabeth, James, and Asher after the big game
Okay, so there weren't any tigers, but I needed a catchy title. My dad has participated in a F.O.P charitable basketball game for over twenty years now. When I wasn't even in elementary school yet, I recall watching him fall off of a donkey attemtping to make a shot against local teachers. In recent decades it's been against the Detroit Lions. I know, they're football players, but they get a group together for charitable basketball events too. I'm sad to admit, that in all the years my dad has participated, this is the first time I have ever attended. It was so much more fun than I imagined. They truly get the crowd involved. An absolute family event. Even Mia had a blast and anyone who's ever seen me take Mia out in public will appreciate that. Sadly, Titus was home sick, so he couldn't make it and Jane stayed home as well.
Occassionally players would take off their jersey and put it on the youth in the audience. Olivia was one of the lucky ones, and her first response was, "I can't even dribble the ball!" But like the trooper she is, she went out, and as seen in the picture above one of the Lions made a hoop out of his arms for her to make a shot.
Jadon, Herman Moore, and Dad
Jadon, was the first of our group to get to see some court action. He made a few shots, without any assistance, but most of my pictures were obstructed by large football players.
The teams
Like mentioned earlier, Mia came out of her shell. She wanted to pose for pictures and did a gret job doing so. She was super social, talking to people, telling everyone she was three, dancing. It was like I had a little Olivia all over again. A side of her not often seen, but it's been coming out more and more lately, but great to see her changing and becoming the little person she is.
One last pose from Mia!
Of course this former Lion's name escapes me as I type, but he was super nice and funny. He now is a teacher in Michigan. How cool would that be to have a former NFL star as your teacher?
Tony Scheffler stole Mia's heart. He came over early in the game and sat with her and started up a conversation. I was quite impressed later when everyone was up getting autographs, and Mia had removed her recognizable sweatshirt, that he remembered her by name. All the players were genuinely super great guys.
Grandpa with his biggest fans before the game started.
Dad's mad basketball skills. Look at that air time! Ha ha. It's funny to watch my dad in all his clubs and groups he belongs to. Not that long ago, he always was the youngest in each group he belonged to. Now he's the only guy out there that has hair the color of snow. But when it was time for autographs, Olivia ran to grandpa for his. That was the most important autograph for her to get. Grandparents sure do hold a huge part in every grandchild's heart. Thankfully, my children are fortunate to have all of their grandparents nearby. What a blessing!
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Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter and all the magic it brings

Dying Easter eggs with Grandma and Grandpa McNeil
Easter Sunday is usually spent with Andy's side of the family, so it has become custom that the girls and I head to my side of the family to color Easter eggs before Easter. The girls look forward to it each year. They also had fun going outside and picking lilacs and other various flowers (weeds).
Aunt Jen's church does an annual Easter egg drop. A crop duster plane drops hundreds of ping pong balls into a field. The children are then released to go collect them and cash them in for Easter candy and prizes. It was a fun community event we did for the first time this year.
Mia filling her basket
All the ping pong balls have been found
Mandy Morgan, Katie Hotlz with Drew, and Kelli and Lincoln Lamb enjoying the shower.

A good friend from Elementary through high school is expecting her first baby in May. A sweet little girl, named Lila will be born to Ashley (Larimer) and Darren McKnight. It was great to see her again at her shower in LaGrange at the Brick House Inn. Lila will be one lucky girl with all the adorable clothes and goodies she received, but also one of the sweetest mothers in the world.
The Easter Bunny came to our house Easter morning and hid baskets for the girls. Both were excited to find their baskets and dig into the contents.
Mia all dolled up after church at Nana and Papa's.
Olivia wearing her dress that caused some Easter morning tears. She wanted to wear it to church, but we've had it for a year. I thought it would fit, but it was still too big, so I wouldn't let her wear it. We compromised that she could wear it after church at Nana and Papa's house.
Time to find eggs in Nana and Papa's backyard.
Olivia helping Mia find the infamous lost egg.
Checking for eggs at the swing set.

Easter was a beautiful day with gorgeous weather. We were surrounded with family and the Holy Spirit. It is great to be able to get together as a family and give thanks for all that God has blessed us with, especially his Son Jesus. Praise the Lord, He is risen!

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Friday, April 6, 2012

Chuckee Cheese with the Randalls

For months Mia has been planning what she wanted to do for her 3rd birthday. Initially she wanted to have her party at Abram Randall's house, but I nixed that idea. Then she decided that Chuckee Cheese would be the best and she could take Abram with her to play. So that's what we did. On Sunday, April 1st the Randall family and Feyes family loaded up and headed to Portage for fun times at Chuckee Cheese.
Mia and Abe taking some time out for pizza.
Riding the roller coaster together
Emma and Kylee getting along
Mia riding high on her horse
Eating pizza with Barney
Best buds, Abe and Mia
Olivia had fun too, and is seen here exaggerating her expression for a photo opportunity.
Thanks for joining us Randall Family. You made Mia's birthday exactly what she wanted!
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Sunday, April 1, 2012

And She's 3!

Before you know it, my baby girl turned 3. She is little miss independent, but still loves to be babied. Mia wants to do everything for herself, and often refers to herself as a big girl, but if she's tired and I call her a big girl, she quickly corrects me and says, "No, me baby!" She then likes me to pick her up and hold her like a baby. Since she is most likely my last, I give in and treasure some "baby time." I tell both my girls all the time, that one day they will not want me around or to snuggle with me. They seem to disagree, but until that day comes, I will take full advantage of these days in the present.
Starting in on the gifts
Mia's birthday weekend was a busy time. Friday evening, the night before, we drove to Dundee to drop Andy off with his friend Tom Roehrig and some of Tom's friends so they could head to a Detroit Red Wings game. The girls and I then grabbed a bite to eat, took a scenic tour of the surrounding area, and eventually ended up at the home of the Roehrig family. We of course woke all four of their children up upon our arrival. Natalie and I enjoyed watching "The Help," after we managed to get all our children off to sleep. The next morning the children enjoyed a few hours of playing together on Mia's official birthday before we headed back home to clean our house and get ready for our now 3 year old's birthday party! Andy took the girls to Jimi Joe's which officially reopened for the season, while I finished getting everything around.
It was a small party of just family. Nana and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Jen, Aunt Libby, and a handful of cousins. Still with such a small number of attendees, there was a multitude of gifts. Too much as usual, but we are blessed.
Violette, Noelle, and Miss Mia
The spread, complete with many of Mia's favorites.
She was thrilled to get Linny from the Wonder Pets from Nana and Papa!
Her big gift from Mom and Dad. Her own Mini Cooper! She even got a convertible. She was beaming a true genuine smile for quite some time.
Olivia locating the monkey.
For dinner she wanted pancakes so we headed to a local restaurant that serves breakfast all day. She ordered Mickey pancakes. The food was good. The staff sang to Mia. She became a little aprehensive at that point, but just snuggled up close to me while she was serenaded. We then went and bought batteries for her hide and seek monkey she got. Someone hides the monkey, and once hidden the other player has a remote that they push a button on. The monkey then makes his, "ooh ooh, aah aah," noise so the seeker can try and locate him. The entire family had a ton of fun hiding and seeking out the monkey.
Mia found him in the bathrooom!
We were all exhausted after a busy day and knew that the next day would bring just as much excitement with a trip to Chuckee Cheese, with Abram and the rest of the Randall family. Thank you to everyone for spoiling our little Mia monster. She truly was on cloud nine all weekend thanks to everyone's love and kindness.
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