Sunday, March 30, 2014

Celebrating All Things Mia!

Celebrating five years with Mia took place a couple of days early.  Her birthday is actually Monday, the 31st, but she wanted to have a big party and invite her friends over.  We've never allowed her to do the "friends" party.  It's always been just family and maybe one friend.  It's not every day my youngest turns five so we obliged and let her invite all her friends.  She had quite a varied list.  We had from 1 year olds to 11 year old friends that made the cut, and then up to 13 years of age if you count the cousins.  All the attendees were courtesy of her strong friendships she's made while at Jackie's, with the exception of two neighbor girls that my girls have bonded with.  And of course, no party would be complete with out both sets of grandparents and the aunts and uncles.
Mia had be sick for a couple of days leading up to her big event.  Since she had to stay home with daddy, I let her open a gift early which happened to be the movie Frozen, so they could watch and enjoy it on her lazy days home.  The day of her party I also let her open a gift early.  She saw this Matilda Jane dress in their little catalog and has been begging for it ever since.  I of course bought it right away, but saved it for this special occasion.  I had another MJ dress put away for her that I got out for her to wear to the Date with Dad.  She got mad when she saw the other dress and said, "That's not the one I wanted!"  She can be a little bratty at times, but we still love her.

Here she is with her dress she so desperately wanted!

Wearing her new dress for her party.  She was all smiles all day!

The great spread with a Mia themed menu consisting of clementines, strawberries, raspberries, cheese and crackers, deviled eggs, guacamole and chips, salami and pickle roll ups, granola bars, and of course cupcakes.  There was virtually no food left at the end of the party, so she must have chosen a menu that appealed to most appetites.  

Macy and Mia

The party began with an Easter Egg hunt, but of course it was mad chaos of everyone running around looking for their eggs, that I never managed to snap any pictures of the kids in action.  I think they all had  a good time looking for eggs, although one egg is still at large.  Olivia hid most of them for me and of course hid the older kids' eggs in harder to find places.  So hard that she can't even remember.  One day it will turn up.

Time for presents!

Mrs. Starkey and Alice hanging out.  Poor Alice was bombarded with all the kids wanting to love on "Baby Alice."

Macy, Olivia, Jane, and Myah looking on to see what Mia got.

Her first reaction to her big gift from daddy.  I had nothing to do with this purchase, but was aware it was coming.  She's thrilled with it and I'm sure it will get a lot of use up north this summer.

I can already envision the races between Mia and Olivia.  Although, I'm nervous Mia will have a "bumper cars" type mentality and try to crash into her sister, or cut her off on the paths.

Getting ready to blow out her candle to celebrate these five wonderful years!  It truly doesn't seem like five years can be here already.  We've loved every moment of it.  Happy birthday Mia Margaret.  Thank you to all who came to show your love for our meatball.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Another Date with Dad

So, it again has been awhile since my last post, but life continues and is busy at that.  Things are finally slowing down now that Andy's swim team is done for the season and Olivia's swim season as well.  Last Friday, was a night the girls look forward to every year, the Date with Dad held at the Doyle Community Center.  They got dressed up in a dress of their choosing with great anticipation for a night of excitement.  What little girl doesn't look forward to getting all gussied up and having her daddy's undivided attention for one night?  Of course a date night is never complete without dinner before hand.  They were nice enough to let me tag along for dinner since I have no social life.  We were treated to a nice dinner at Iannarelli's in Howe.  After we returned home from dinner, I snapped the photos below and they took off for their night of adventure and life long memories.
Olivia striking a pose

Mia was less forth coming for pictures, but Olivia was dancing with her helping me scheme to get some pictures.

Andy's choice of pose was shaking their tooshies for the camera.

A decent picture of all three before the big event.

Time for silly faces!

I had a realization the night before this big event, that I was going to be child and husband free for a night.  What could I possibly do with my time?  There's always my incessant cleaning, but what fun is that?  I decided some girl time was in order.  Who could I hang out with and maybe enjoy a nice glass of wine?  It sounds like something sophisticated adults do.  I knew lots of other moms who had daughters going, but they all made similar plans with their friends.  All my coworkers had family plans, except for one who was willing to let me come hang out, but had been feeling under the weather, so I thought I'd let her just recoup at home.  Tina, my usual go to friend, now is in South Carolina.  A few others I tried had sons they were taking out since their daughters were out with their dads.  Well, if this wasn't the slap in the face that I have no social life, I don't know what it would be.  

Back story: Earlier in the week, we were the only school in the surrounding counties that had school when a snow storm hit.  I managed to get my car stuck at a busy intersection in town when I slid into a corner.  Thankfully, Roger Ringenberg pulled up at that exact moment.  He had a tow strap and pulled me out within minutes.  I remembered his wife Karen liked Moscato wine, so I grabbed a bottle and headed over to the Ringenberg's to thank them.  Of course, Karen and I both such novice drinkers, she wasn't sure she had a corkscrew, and when we found one, we were surprised we could figure out how to use it.  All three of us enjoyed a glass and each other's company.  It was nice catching up and they are always so welcoming.  Their home has always been like a second home for me.  I just knock and walk right in and announce my presence.  Karen told me to get stuck again soon, so Roger can pull me out again, and then I can show up with another bottle of wine.  

After I returned home, I was pretty sure my family would be waiting.  Mia was a little uncertain about going, and likes her bedtime.  They weren't even home yet when I returned.  They pulled in about five minutes later full of chatter about all the fun they had.  Andy describes the event as a middle school dance.  All the dads line the perimeter of the dance floor, while the girls are all running around getting their moves on, out on the dance floor.  Occasionally the dad's are pulled out for a slow song.  Regardless of what goes on at this mysterious event, that ban mothers from attending and taking photographs to capture the memories, my girls love and look forward to it every year.  Secretly, I think Andy does too.  

This photo is a few months old here, but I took Mia for an adorable hair cut and this was our after picture.  I just love her haircut!