Thursday, May 22, 2008

"This is a hard one!"

Olivia has mastered riding her tricycle this year, but the dang handlebars always twist and end up perpendicular with the tires making it impossible to go anywhere. Against mommy's better judgement, daddy decided to spoil her with a new bicycle. We went around town and checked out bikes at a couple different stores a few nights ago. Andy couldn't wait any longer to get her one, so we headed out tonight and she got a new big girl bike with a starfish on it. She thinks it's Patrick's sister from Spongebob.
As she attempted to ride it around the store and the house she exclaimed "This is a hard one!" She's struggling with the whole brakes issue. She could peddle backward on her tricycle, and this one it stops her dead in her tracks. She's having fun, and I'm sure she'll have it down in no time. I would bet there will be many more bicycle photos to come on future entries.
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Natalie Roehrig said...

What a cute bike! She looks so big on it. Have a great Holiday weekend riding around with her!

Anonymous said...

same with zsolt on the brakes- he thinks he gets stuck because he doesn't realize he is pushing backwards. i bet if he watches olivia on her bike he'll get the hang of it. we should get them together when they get back to ride bikes.