Olivia is developing into a definite girl and amazes us with all she is learning. As evident in the photo collage above she decided that Molasses needed to be a princess and wear a tiara, which followed by her wearing it, and then myself. Olivia even took the photo of me wearing it. I attempted to crop out how crooked the photo originally was. She now requests pigtails a few days a week. They don't usually stay in all day, but she will keep them in a few hours. Everybody comments on how different she looks with them in. What do you think?
Being a teacher, especially in a kindergarten through second grade building I find myself constantly amazed at the gadgets and toys of our youth today have. Just earlier this year I found myself saying "My child will never have an ipod at that age." I used to be surprised that they even knew what they were at such a young age. After all, we never had anything like that when I was growing up. Well, I am afraid I am going to eat my words. Andy had been wanting one for awhile, so we bought him one for Christmas, and then the Easter Bunny brought me the smallest of the ipods in my basket this year, so I can use it when I exercise. Olivia loves to use our ipods. She found my purse the other day and pulled out my ipod, put the earbuds in and said "I want to listen to my ipod Mommy." She is already attempting to claim mine as her own and I can't believe the thought of buying her one of her own for her third birthday has actually entered my mind. I don't think I will end up buying her one, but if I am already thinking about it at her age, I'm sure she'll have one by elementary school.
I love the pigtails, they look so adorable on her! Noelle loves to listen to my "ipock" too, oh they are growing up way too fast!
she looks more like andy when she has pigtails in :)
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