Roehrigs and Redwings
Saturday, April 26th is a day that will live in infamy for my husband Andy. His good friend Tom Roehrig called him up on Friday to ask him if he could go to the Detroit Redwings vs. Colorado Avalanche playoff hockey game in Detroit. Of course Andy was going to cancel any plans he had to go. The news only got better, not only was he going to a playoff game but their seats were right behind the Avalanche bench. The Roehrig's live in Adrian and have two wonderful children, Noelle almost 2 1/2 years and Max who was just about 4 months old. Olivia and I drove to Adrian with Andy so we could spend the day with Natalie and the kids. Olivia just loves Noelle and they are so similar in where they are at developmentally and how they act. We spent a nice afternoon hanging out and attempting a walk, but it was dreadfully windy. The men had to call us with even more good news shortly after they arrived at the game. They were in line to meet Gordy Howe and get his autograph. Andy is still ecstatic about the day. We are so blessed to have friends that would even think of us when they get the opportunity for something like that. We saw baby Max in January and it is amazing to see how much he has grown and changed in 3 months. He is definitely developing an adorable personality.
Natalie is such a great mother with her children and it's so exciting to have another couple our age at similar stages in life as well as values. If only they lived closer. After a fun filled day, and a tired out daughter we did the long drive home. The Redwings did win, so the men came home happy. I think with the experiences they had, they would have been happy either way, but a win just made it that much sweeter.
Noelle and Olivia trying to catch fish out of the elephants trunk. Notice the tongue out in concentration on Noelle's face. Olivia just picked up all the
fish off the floor when they landed and put them in her net. Also, take note of the excellent television programming playing in the background.Baby Max, almost always all smiles. He giggles like crazy when you put his feet to his tongue.
1 comment:
Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments about us. I have been down and it was very uplifting reading what you wrote. You are welcome over our house ANYTIME!!!! We absolutely love having you guys over.
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