Although Andy does not see it, Olivia is becoming more of a Daddy's girl daily. Whenever he is not around she is constantly asking about him or for him. The same might not always be true upon his return home, but that is just children for you. This last weekend Andy and I headed up to Alpena with plans of picking up my old bedroom furniture from when I was a little girl. To make life easier, with such hectic travel plans made, Nana and Papa (Andy's parents) volunteered to take Olivia for the weekend. We graciously accepted their generous offer. We dropped Olivia off at bedtime Friday night and went home to clean out Andy's truck and
take off his toolbox so we'd have room for the furniture. The plan was to head out by 6 AM the next morning. I was getting the furniture from my cousins the MacNeill boys, since both their parents have sadly passed away they decided to have an auction. My mother had given my aunt Carol my old bedroom set years ago when I outgrew it. Truthfully I hated it as a child, but now it has so much sentimental value that it would be so special to have it for Olivia and any other children. I decided to check my email before bed and read an email from one of the boys telling me they had listed the furniture in the estate auction. I guess they thought I would have gotten it sooner if I wanted it and needless to say, there was a mix up. We decided to still head up since we also wanted to see family and had made all the plans. We figured we'd see what we could do to try and get the furniture anyways. Well, thankfully I got to see all four MacNeill boys if only for a short time, but we had no luck getting in touch with the auctioneer to see if I could take possession of my old bedroom set. We also enjoyed a nice visit with my aunt Julie and uncle Pat. I wish we would have had more time to stop and visit more family and friends, but we headed down to Tawas that night. My aunt Joan recently acquired a small cottage behind my aunt Judy and uncle Jim's cottage that she purchas
ed from another aunt and uncle Mike and Ruth. Mike and Ruth built another cottage next to Judy and Jim's. Now there are three Doyle's all within one small block on the Martini Cove in Tawas. As the saying goes, "There goes the neighborhood!" Just kidding. We enjoyed a nice visit with Judy, Jim, Joan, and a Beth, a friend of Judy's . We had hauled up a few small items for Joan and in return she didn't want us to leave empty handed after our long trip up so she sent us home with a chair she couldn't find room for in the cottage. You can see Andy and Olivia trying it out in the back of the truck. They remind me of some rednecks. No offense to any of you rednecks reading.
While we were away Olivia enjoyed a fun filled weekend in Sturgis, with Nana and Papa. It just so happened to be weekend of the infamous Michigan Week Parade. Olivia was thrilled to get to go watch the parade at the Haas' house, especially since Jacob would be there. I think she has her first crush on Jacob. She even got to talk to the Lion and Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz" play. She told us all about how she went on some rides, rode a horse, ate candy, and all the people she saw at the parade. She also went to the park to ride her bike and play. Nana even took her to the Rambadt's house to see the pigs, cow, bunny, and a goat! Needless to say upon our return home, our child did not want to go home with us. Nana had her at a friend's house when we drove back into town. We tracked them down and being the sappy mother I am I couldn't wait to see my little girl. I wasn't surprised by the greeting I received, but was hoping for different. As I was spotted walking down the stairs, my ears were pierced with a shrill scream of, "No mommy, you go away!" It took awhile to round her up and she proceeded to whine and cry on the journey home, but eventually she warmed up to us again.
Trying to fill Daddy's shoes!
Olivia probably gets her daddy's girl gene from me, because I was a d
efinite daddy's girl. My father and I had our differences in my teen years, but that didn't change how much I loved him and still do. Andy was and still is a Momma's boy! Here's a picture of my father, aka, "Grandpa McMeal" as Olivia states it, in the parade. I can't help, but see my own grandpa when I look at him in this picture. Olivia sadly never spotted him out during the parade, but when she saw this picture she did remember seeing the Shriners drive the little cars in the parade.
1 comment:
A whole weekend without children (child in your case) is something that had to be hard, but very pleasurable!! Perhaps number two on the way now? LOL!!
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