This spring we took our first attempt at soccer for the girls. I have tried to stick to our rule that the girls will only participate in two activities. After Olivia begged and pleaded to try soccer, of course during dance season, and swimming starting back up at the end of the season, I caved. Actually it wasn't that hard. I was a pushover for once. I also noticed that Mia made the age cutoff by one day. We've yet to put Mia in any type of activity so I thought she needed her opportunity. Yet, I envisioned in my mind, Mia pick dandelions in the field, or refusing to even get on the field and having a tantrum on the sidelines. I was sure she wouldn't follow her coach's directions, so I debated doing that to someone. Then the solution was clear, I'd be her coach. I ended up partnering up as a coach with Ray Sterling our neighbor and good friend. Mia was excited to have Piper on her team. She surprised me. By no means is she a super athletic soccer player yet, but she actually listened, followed direction, ran towards the ball, and even kicked it when it came near her. Her kicks were mainly gentle and didn't accomplish much for the team, but she was trying. I kept yelling at her to pretend it was Olivia she was kicking. Occassionally that would help. It's almost a regular statement to hear either Ray or myself telling Mia to keep her shirt on. She could get distracted by passing slug bugs or tractors in the neighboring fields, but she truly enjoyed and looks forward to her soccer practices and games. Today is the last game for both girls. No goals yet, for Mia, but there's a slight chance.

Olivia in action.
Olivia on the other hand wants to try everything, but usually loses interest quickly. She definitely has a "the grass is always greener" mentality at this age. The soccer season is only four weeks of games and two additional that are just practices. I figured it would be our attempt to let her try a more physical and contact sport. She'd complain of running too much or getting hurt. Again, maybe I don't know my children as well as I thought. She excelled and LOVES the game of soccer. She's not the best on her team, but is an active and intrigual part of the team. She hustles her little tushy down the field, kicks and passes, does awesome as goalie. She even stopped a goal with her face and didnt' flinch. I was very disappointed to realize that every single game of my girls was at the exact same time. It made it difficult for me to watch Olivia's games. With aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, and devoted Jackie and Bill, she often had enough in her cheering section. Mia's games are shorter than Olivia's as well, so I always manage to zip down and see the end of her game. It's a time that my need to be the center of attention daughter, who is always more worried about posing for a camera than doing the task at hand, gets truly lost in her sport. She is unaware of where her friends and family are on the sidelines. She is focused on where the ball is, or where it may be going next, actually trying to predict the opponent's next move. It's a sight to see and fills me with joy. Of course when she does do something awesome, she does then scan the crowd for acknowledgement from her fans. She even had her first goal last Tuesday. I was disappointed I personally didn't get to witness it, but she was thrilled. Her team is undeafeted at this time. We'll see what today brings.
Olivia in action.
Olivia on the other hand wants to try everything, but usually loses interest quickly. She definitely has a "the grass is always greener" mentality at this age. The soccer season is only four weeks of games and two additional that are just practices. I figured it would be our attempt to let her try a more physical and contact sport. She'd complain of running too much or getting hurt. Again, maybe I don't know my children as well as I thought. She excelled and LOVES the game of soccer. She's not the best on her team, but is an active and intrigual part of the team. She hustles her little tushy down the field, kicks and passes, does awesome as goalie. She even stopped a goal with her face and didnt' flinch. I was very disappointed to realize that every single game of my girls was at the exact same time. It made it difficult for me to watch Olivia's games. With aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, and devoted Jackie and Bill, she often had enough in her cheering section. Mia's games are shorter than Olivia's as well, so I always manage to zip down and see the end of her game. It's a time that my need to be the center of attention daughter, who is always more worried about posing for a camera than doing the task at hand, gets truly lost in her sport. She is unaware of where her friends and family are on the sidelines. She is focused on where the ball is, or where it may be going next, actually trying to predict the opponent's next move. It's a sight to see and fills me with joy. Of course when she does do something awesome, she does then scan the crowd for acknowledgement from her fans. She even had her first goal last Tuesday. I was disappointed I personally didn't get to witness it, but she was thrilled. Her team is undeafeted at this time. We'll see what today brings.
Mia standing next to her two amazing coaches. I never realized how short I actually am until I see myself next to normal people.
Jackie and Mia watching Olivia.
It has been a great experience for both of my girls. Olivia has found a new passion, and Mia has just been glad to be part of team and meet some new friends. Soccer is definitely in our future again. Even coaching was a lot of fun! We are very proud of girls continued effort on the soccer fields this season.
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