Thursday, May 14, 2009

Showered with LOVE!

Nana and Olivia hanging out in Nana's new hammock that all her kids got her for Mother's Day. Olivia is talking to Uncle Aaron on the phone telling him about how sick she is. She was playing Dr. with Nana. Olivia stated in a raspy sick voice, "I'm so sick, I have a fever, a high temperature, high blood pressure, and my heart stopped bleeping!"

Mia and I were awoken on Mother's Day morning by Olivia and Andy bringing me my Mother's Day gift. They got me an adorable flower pot that says "If I had a flower for every time I thought of my mother, I'd walk in my garden forever." Olivia picked out flowers to plant in it for me too. We then rode our bikes to church together. After church and lunch, I took a wonderful nap with both my girls. When we woke up we headed to my dad and Patty's to visit with Patty's family for a bit. After, we went to Andy's parents to have an enjoyable dinner.

Another quick Olivia story. While out to eat at DaVinci's last week (her favorite restaurant where she's on a first name basis with everyone) Andy was complaining of his back hurting. Olivia blurts out right when the waitress comes by, "Maybe your back hurts daddy because you have to go poop!" We all died laughing.

My wonderful Congress family went overboard with a shower for Mia and me on Monday April 11th. Here is Olivia enjoying some cake with Ms. Roberts whom she can't wait to have as a teacher. I couldn't believe the amount of gifts we received. The love and friendship I've seen since becoming a staff member at Congress has been overwhelming! They truly are a wonderful staff.

Mia lounging in Mrs. Starkey's arms. Lesley (Mrs. Starkey) has a dog named Blue who is going to have a play date with Vada this summer.

Miss Mia snuggled up in daddy's arms.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Natalie Roehrig said...

I love the hammock picture! I can see Olivia on her cell phone talking to her friends in a few years! It sounds like you have really wonderful co-workers!