We've been surrounded by expectant mothers this past week. Thursday, April 30th and Friday May 1st, My sister, her sister in-law Jennifer, and myself held a garage sale to get rid of some of our junk and make a small profit. Jennifer is expecting in mid November. Then on Saturday I took the girls with me to Dundee to visit my friend Autumn who is also expecting in mid November. Olivia had so much fun playing with the six, yes, six shitzu dogs there. 3 are Autumn's and 3 are her parents who had come down for the day. It was great to see her whole family again and catch up. On Sunday the girls and I again were around a pregnant woman when we headed to my friend Elizabeth Mettler's baby shower. Elizabeth is expecting the end of May! My good friend Megan Fieberkorn also popped in to visit us the other night and she is expecting in early December. Wow, babies are coming up everywhere. We are excited for everyone. Mia is especially excited because she is looking forward to having some new playmates in her life in the near future.
Andy and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary by going out to eat at Carabas with Mia. Olivia stayed the night with Nana and Papa. It was a nice evening out together.
Mia also had her 1 month Dr. appointment this last week. She weighed in at 9 pounds, 11.5 ounces and was 22 inches long. Both of them put her in the 75th percentile. She has gained almost 3 pounds since her birth! The baby acne just started popping up a bit on her face yesterday, but she's still beautiful.
Olivia just adores Mia and being a big sister. She is getting so smart too. While traveling to Dundee she made an analogy as I was merging onto a highway. She said, "Mom, driving is like coloring. You have to stay in the lines just like when you color!" I responded to her that she was correct, to which she replied, "I know. I'm a smarty pants!"
Cuddling this morning before we head to the Potawotami Zoo for a family day!
Life is also getting a bit better with Vada. She is still hyper puppy, but we are having fewer accidents, and she is much better at letting us know when she needs to go out.
1 comment:
One month...how time flies by! I'm really happy to read that Vada seems to be doing better. That's all a busy mom like you needs - a crazy puppy around! Have a wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow!!
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