Sunday, May 24, 2009

Toledo Zoo!

Saturday, May 23rd we headed as a family, along with Nana and Papa to the Toledo Zoo. The Toledo Zoo is our favorite of the zoos in our area. Andy's Aunt Ruth and Uncle Rich also met us at the zoo. We had a fun day viewing the animals and a beautiful day for it. The girls were both great too! Family, fun, and happy children; who could ask for more?

Olivia was so excited to see the butterflies, because when we went to Potawatami Zoo the butterfly exhibit had not yet opened. Of course, this one was open, but all the butterflies were in their chrysalises or cocoons. She handled the news fairly well. Here we are posing for a family photo minus one sleeping away in the stroller.

Olivia loved this chimpanzee. She would press her face and hands against the glass and the chimp would do the same back. The crowd around were making "ooh and awe" sounds at how cute they were being. Then the monkey smacked the glass and Olivia jumped. Everyone burst out laughing at how it startled her. It was quite funny. Olivia thought so as well and says that the silly monkey that scared her was her favorite part.

In the Reptilia house they were showing off a turtle and letting everyone pet it. Another disappointment. You have to be at least 5 to get to pet the turtle! How ridiculous is that? They say it's because they carry salmonella. Well, why let anyone pet it then? Don't these people realize that the youngsters are the ones who want to pet the animals the most? In this photo you can see the disappointment on Olivia's face. She was well passed nap time too, but toughed it out and didn't cry about it.

Here's Olivia on daddy's shoulders not wanting her picture taken. She'd rather turn around and check out the elephants some more. It was a terrific day for the zoo, but Olivia, Mia, and I all enjoyed some napping time on the drive home.Posted by Picasa


Natalie Roehrig said...

Andy makes such a manly butterfly! That is really bull they wouldn't let Olivia touch the turtle. Looks like the rest of the trip was a great one.

Lauren said...

Love your zoo photos!!!!