Sunday, May 24, 2009

My last week home

Olivia wanted to try her hand as a photographer. I think she managed to snap some good photos with my camera. The above is one Olivia took of Mia and me. I head back to work on Tuesday. I'm sure it will be hard to leave Mia, but I am so confident in Jackie for daycare that I really haven't stressed too much over it. I also know there are only 12 days left of school, and then I have a summer to spend with my girls. On my time off I managed to accomplish most things that I set out too. We did a bit of house keeping. Granted much more needs to be done, but it will be there for me to do this summer as well.

Olivia has been such a great big sister to Mia. She always wants to hold her and try and cheer her up if she is fussy.

After helping me water some flowers out front, Olivia wanted to spray herself down with the hose. I started spraying her in the front yard, then let her go to the backyard and spray herself some more. She sure does love the water. Mia has been taking some baths with me lately too. She seems to adore being in the water as well. Thank goodness we have girls who love to be wet. They will make their daddy proud!

Daddy seems to be able to calm Mia by holding her while rocking. Here she sits in his arms rocking away. Although you can't read it her shirt reads, "I love DAD!" She still is a good baby, but we've been battling the throw ups, and some truly fussy nights recently. I've been adjusting my already vegetarian diet accordingly. Currently I have also cut out all dairy and wheat products as well. Salad anyone?Posted by Picasa


Natalie Roehrig said...

Mia looks so precious on her daddy! I love the picture of Olivia and the hose. I hope your first day back to work tomorrow goes by quickly and it isn't too hard on you or Mia!

Lauren said...

Such beautiful girls!!! Boy, Mia is looking big! Best of luck on your first day back.