Saturday, May 31, 2008
Weekend Fun
Olivia and I played out in the rain last night while daddy worked in the garage. She was being so cute and loved watching the rain come down.
What started out as an innocent asking for a drink, quickly turned into fun with the hose. By the time she was done she was soaking from head to toe, but she had a blast so no harm done.
Watch out Pele, Asher is taking over!
Asher and his best fried Riley working together.
Asher is running to the goal in this photo. He did make the shot on goal! It was his first goal of the game that he made. He made two for the day and was a regular scorer all season!
Good sports giving high fives for the last time!
Jadon and Asher posing with their medals after the games! What a fun and memorable season you both had.
Soccer Star JADON!
Jadon and Asher's soccer season came to a close today. Here are some photos of Jadon in action.
Kick it Jadon!
Jadon was privileged to have his dad, Jared be his coach this season! It did come in handy since Asher's games were often scheduled at the same time. Elizabeth would go watch Asher, while Jadon always had dad right by his side.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Bee Bobby Boo Sparklies!
Sparklers were not on the original agenda, but there wasn't much of an agenda to begin with. We decided to go on a family bike ride. Olivia did not ride her own bike, but in the cart behind Andy, which she loves to do. While out riding Andy had the great idea to swing by Miller's Grocery Store to buy a few items for grilling out. There was a display of sparklers so Andy had to get them for Olivia to experience.
After an enjoyable bike ride and delicious dinner outside we started up the sparklers, or sparklies as referred to by Olivia. Olivia was immediately smitten with them. She waved them around and pretended to be the Fairy Godmother on Cinderella attempting to say "Bibbity, bobbity, boo," but it always came out "Bee, bobby, boo!" It was a great family time together that I will treasure.
FRIENDS AND TRACTORS - What more could a girl want?
Emma swinging away in the dolphin swing.
Kylee and Olivia taking a break to sit and smell the tulips.
While Olivia and I were entertaining our visitors, daddy and Papa headed out lawn mower shopping. After heading to Finnerman's and then The Home Depot, they returned to Finnerman's and purchased a new John Deere rider. Olivia was so excited! Tractors are her new thing. She can identify the brand of tractor by the color. She hollers them out as we drive down the road. Her favorite of course is the John Deere. After all, nothing runs like a Deere.
Papa got me a new John Deere Tractor!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
"This is a hard one!"
Olivia has mastered riding her tricycle this year, but the dang handlebars always twist and end up perpendicular with the tires making it impossible to go anywhere.
As she attempted to ride it around the store and the house she exclaimed "This is a hard one!" She's struggling with the whole brakes issue. She could peddle backward on her tricycle, and this one it stops her dead in her tracks. She's having fun, and I'm sure she'll have it down in no time. I would bet there will be many more bicycle photos to come on future entries.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Daddys' Girls!
While we were away Olivia enjoyed a fun filled weekend in Sturgis, with Nana and Papa. It just so happened to be weekend of the infamous Michigan Week Parade. Olivia was thrilled to get to go watch the parade at the Haas' house, especially since Jacob would be there. I think she has her first crush on Jacob. She even got to talk to the Lion and Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz" play. She told us all about how she went on some rides, rode a horse, ate candy, and all the people she saw at the parade. She also went to the park to ride her bike and play. Nana even took her to the Rambadt's house to see the pigs, cow, bunny, and a goat! Needless to say upon our return home, our child did not want to go home with us. Nana had her at a friend's house when we drove back into town. We tracked them down and being the sappy mother I am I couldn't wait to see my little girl. I wasn't surprised by the greeting I received, but was hoping for different. As I was spotted walking down the stairs, my ears were pierced with a shrill scream of, "No mommy, you go away!" It took awhile to round her up and she proceeded to whine and cry on the journey home, but eventually she warmed up to us again.
Trying to fill Daddy's shoes!
Olivia probably gets her daddy's girl gene from me, because I was a definite daddy's girl. My father and I had our differences in my teen years, but that didn't change how much I loved him and still do. Andy was and still is a Momma's boy! Here's a picture of my father, aka, "Grandpa McMeal" as Olivia states it, in the parade. I can't help, but see my own grandpa when I look at him in this picture. Olivia sadly never spotted him out during the parade, but when she saw this picture she did remember seeing the Shriners drive the little cars in the parade.
Princess Olivia
Being a teacher, especially in a kindergarten through second grade building I find myself constantly amazed at the gadgets and toys of our youth today have. Just earlier this year I found myself saying "My child will never have an ipod at that age." I used to be surprised that they even knew what they were at such a young age. After all, we never had anything like that when I was growing up. Well, I am afraid I am going to eat my words. Andy had been wanting one for awhile, so we bought him one for Christmas, and then the Easter Bunny brought me the smallest of the ipods in my basket this year, so I can use it when I exercise. Olivia loves to use our ipods. She found my purse the other day and pulled out my ipod, put the earbuds in and said "I want to listen to my ipod Mommy." She is already attempting to claim mine as her own and I can't believe the thought of buying her one of her own for her third birthday has actually entered my mind. I don't think I will end up buying her one, but if I am already thinking about it at her age, I'm sure she'll have one by elementary school.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Roehrigs and Redwings
Noelle and Olivia trying to catch fish out of the elephants trunk. Notice the tongue out in concentration on Noelle's face. Olivia just picked up all the
Baby Max, almost always all smiles. He giggles like crazy when you put his feet to his tongue.