Thursday, July 24, 2014

Splish Splashing

One wonderful feature with our new home is the pool.  We are getting a lot of use out of it this summer.  Mia was the first to take a dip, when she fell in before we even had a chance to clean it.  It was the absolute most filthy thing I had ever seen, but after vacuuming, a new pump, blowing out the lines (we had a plastic 6 inch tent stake stuck in the line) and some chemicals, we were swimming in it six days later.  We've had many friends over for swimming.  The girls are in the pool almost every day.  I enjoy it, but come to find I enjoy a rainy or cool day now and then.  I am always on "mommy watch" and can't enjoy it so much myself, that it's nice to not have a day of sitting in the hot sun watching the girls and their friends swim.
The girls even got Grandpa McNeil to go down the slide.

Jimmy Lamb striking a pose as he enters the water.

Mia and Abe saying good byes.  It was wonderful having the Randalls here for quite a few weeks this summer.  They came and swam on many occasions.  

Mia snapped a picture of Tina and I after our final swim together.

The girls loving on each other poolside.

Emma and Olivia getting ready to jump.

And there they go.  Splash!

The pool truly has been a blessing.  Now our focus has turned to the outside of the home instead of the inside.  There is crack that is increasingly getting bigger in the top step of the pool that allows it to leak water.  We are trying to wait patiently for the company to come and fix it, meanwhile we are refilling the pool almost daily.  Our biggest project is concrete work.  The rooflines have the gutters all draining at a couple spots and the ground slopes towards the house.  We are digging down, piping it all away from the house and pouring concrete over and sloping it away from the house.  It's been fun (sarcasm).  Hopefully it is done in the near future.  We are currently in the "it has to look worse before it looks better" stage of this process.  

If you're in the neighborhood, bring you suit and towel and come on over for a swim!

1 comment:

Ian and Sarah Niecko said...

I just caught up on your blog for the last month. Please send my love to your dad and congrads on his award. I am sure he and Patty are excited to move to Alpena! As always I am in awe of your adorable little girls! Mia is such a ham...I cracked up when I saw the soccer picture with her sitting on the ball. Looks like summer has been busy and enjoyable with your pool...did I see sunglass tan lines on your face? Love you lots and am glad that you keep up on your blog, I really enjoy seeing your family grow. xoxo