Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Duo of Triathletes!

After this morning, all the Feyes girls in our household are now officially triathletes!  Both Olivia and Mia completed the Goshen Kids' Triathlon.  Nana, Papa, and Aunt Jen braved the grueling walk over from the far off parking and hustling all over the park to cheer on the girls.  Thanks for your support!  
A prerace photo of the duo

The triathlon consisted of a 25 meter swim, 1.2 mile bike ride, and finished with a 1/2 mile run for both girls.  Next year, Olivia will move up to the next age bracket and have a longer duration of all events.

It's hard to see because only one parent is supposed to be inside the pool area, but that's Olivia's arm in the water in the end lane with Andy watching on.  She was the first out of the pool in her heat.

And she's off on the bike portion.  The bike is her strongest leg I would say.

She lowered her seat, and didn't appear as comfortable as usual to us, but she still did great.

Finishing strong!

Almost there

And she's finished.

High fives from dad.  (Thanks to Aunt Jen for taking a lot of these photos.  I actually wasn't at the finish line, because Mia was getting ready for her heat to start.)

Mia swimming with all smiles!

She's out of the water...

and off she goes...

On her bike...

rounding towards the finish line.

The end of the bike course is near.

Running hard.  She was definitely getting tired.

Finishing strong still.

And she officially completed the race!

Two happy girls for their post race picture!

Andy hoisting Mia up to reach the misters in the tent and cool off.

Some of you might recognize the two boys pictured here too.  Mia's buddies Easton and Cooper were there cheering on Mia along with their sister Lola and two cousins!  It was a pleasant surprise for all of us.

A photo opp with Lola and her cousin Alexa.

Now we added Lola's cousin Myla to the picture too.  Olivia had a friend, Brooke, compete today as well, but we never managed to get a picture with her.

A family photo

Mia placed 5th for her age group!

Olivia placed 4th for her age group!  Way to go girls!  Mommy and daddy are very proud of your hard work and not giving up.  We celebrated after the big race at Olive Garden with Nana, Papa, and Aunt Jen.

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