Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I Have Another Niece!

At precisely 5:54 PM, EST, God blessed this world with another baby Smith girl.  She entered this world weighing in at 9 lb 7 oz with a full head of dark hair.  It was a fairly quick and easy delivery by the sounds of it.  After six children, you think it should be.

Big sister Jane, holding her new baby sister that most are lovingly referring to as "Baby Sophie."  Jared's not so keen on the name, so I'm sure that won't end up being her name.

Proud Aunt Amanda and ecstatic cousin Olivia getting in some much needed baby time.

Most of the Smith children, minus Jadon, who at the moment this photo was taken, and actually when I left this evening, still was unaware he had a new baby sister.

Regardless of when she gets a name, she's still perfect, and I can't wait to hold her tomorrow.  Maybe they should call her Mary Poppins because she's "Practically perfect in every way."  (That's a line from the movie in case any of you are unaware.)  Blessings for this new addition and that everyone is healthy and doing well.
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1 comment:

Natalie Roehrig said...

Congratulations on another Niece! How exciting! She looks adorable, and just right for the cuddling!