Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas Morning 2012

Christmas morning started as it always does at Dad and Patty's house with Elizabeth, Jared, and their almost six children.

All the cousins together.

Grandma and Grandpa joining in with their grandkids.

Mia got Pop the Pig, which she dearly wanted.

Super Hero James

Olivia with Just Dance 4, which has proved to be hours of fun.

Jane in her fuchsia girly skirt!

Jared was pulling on Jadon's ear.  Of course I can't remember the reason, but it was funny at the time.

Asher with his new fishing hat.

Titus all smiles with the newest Madden football game for the Wii.

It was a great morning with family, our annual Christmas breakfast, and time to celebrate together.  Dad and Patty even made a new drink that was a delicious spiced cider type drink that I can't quite remember the name of and if I am remembering it right, I'd never know how to spell it.  We've all decided that's a new tradition as well. 
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