Monday, June 21, 2010

Land Ho!

Well, we now officially own another 10 acres in Alpena. We went up this past weekend and closed on the 10 acres that shares a property line with our current 10 acres. I think we are happy with 20 acres and will call that good. It was a very quick trip up there, but we had fun none the less. Olivia tried her luck riding a two wheeler while up there. She did pretty well for her first time and is determined to keep trying. Andy is going to work with her this week on it some more. Mia continues to keep us on our toes. She is a super happy little one, but is not content just sitting still. She has to be on the move and usually climbing or opening things up. The quietness of her is what makes it difficult. You never know where she is or if she's into something. She's a sneaky one I tell you. When she does decide to make noise she is LOUD, especially when food is involved! Mia loves to eat, and if she spots someone eating and she doesn't have any food, cover your ears. I've included a few random photos in this entry from the last few months since I forgot to take my camera up north with me this past weekend.
Mia riding her birthday gift from her Godparents the Roehrigs.
Callahan and Olivia after our bikeride.
Olivia and her buddy Adam, who drives her around in his Mustang Convertible. We've got trouble on our hands with this girl in the future.

Olivia, Piper and Gavyn dressing up when some friends were over for dinner one evening. Sorry Aaron.
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1 comment:

Natalie Roehrig said...

Congratulations on your new land purchase! You can't go wrong with 20 acres! I love the pictures too!