Friday, June 25, 2010

Seriously...Enough is Enough!

On June 24th, I loaded the girls up and we headed to Lansing for their first experience with "Freedom of Assembly." The Michigan Education Association was holding a rally on the lawn of the Capitol Building. A large bus load of teachers and families, plus a few others who drove on their own, like I did with the girls, all headed to Lansing from Sturgis. We met thousands of others concerned with the states continuous cuts to funding education all there to support the cause. It was an eye opening experience for us all and a very peaceful movement to try and show our state government how we feel about their decisions. Most of the Sturgis crew were sporting t-shirts that said "Seriously..." on the front, with "Enough is Enough" on the back. Olivia loved chanting "Enough is Enough!" It was quite cute at the rally, but later that day it got a little old.

Pictured above Olivia and Mia, Callahan in the middle and from top down on the right Oliver, Hudson, and Beckett.

My kiddos were so excited that the entire Lamb Family was all there to cheer on the cause too. I give them credit. I don't know that I would brave the trip if I had 2 more babies Mia's age, but were' so glad they did!

A view as we were approaching the Capitol
My little scavengers raiding all the snacks the Lamb's brought.
Of course I couldn't stop so close to Great Lakes in Lansing and not stop in. Look who I saw working behind the counter. My little nephew Jadon is not so little anymore.
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