Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Put Your Hands Together For ... OLIVIA!

Saturday, October 17, 2009, was the debut performance of Olivia. Many friends and family members turned up at the Free Church Park in Sturgis for the exhilarating event. Thankfully, the weather held out and it was fairly warm comparative to what it had been. Hot cider was available to those who needed to warm up. Of course Olivia got up on stage with no fear, but was not belting her songs out and dancing like crazy like she had been practicing at home, but she was still so cute.
James and Jadon volunteered to be back up dancers for the song, "I Like to Move it." Jadon had some fancy foot work going on for a bit. Way to go Jadon!
Even mommy and Mia had to get up to take part in a two person song, the SUV song off of Veggietales.
Every performer needs flower at the end of their act, right? You did wonderful Olivia! Mommy and daddy are so proud of you and have loved these last four years with you.

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1 comment:

Natalie Roehrig said...

So cute! I love her did you get it so curly? Maybe a future Hollywood Starlet or Broadway star is in our midst!