Monday, October 26, 2009

Land Owners!

We closed on our property Saturday, October 24th and now are officially the proud owners on 10 beautifully wooded acres in Alpena. The weather was rainy and a bit chilly, but we managed to enjoy some time playing at the property and getting our camper set up and winterized. The property came with a tiny camper (our guest house) and we purchased another to keep up there. Do I ever feel Redneck. Olivia enjoyed riding her 4 wheeler around. She's getting pretty good at it all by herself. Mia was content as could be. I can't wait for the spring when it warms up and we can use it more as a family! The photos are taken with my new inexpensive camera so they aren't the highest quality, but it's a convenient camera to carry around.
A snapshot leading down a trail.

A picture at the association lot. We have access to the Thunder Bay River and Lake Winyah because our property is located within the Thunder Bay Village Association. A nice perk.
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1 comment:

Natalie Roehrig said...

Congratulations! The property looks beautiful! Olivia looks so darn cute on her four wheeler!