Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

We carved pumpkins as a family Wednesday night. Olivia enjoyed designing faces to put on hers and daddy's. Mia on the other hand, enjoyed constantly crawling over and getting into everything. The next morning Mia woke up with a fever, and we've been battling them ever since. We went to the Dr. on Thursday and all her tests came back negative. Her fever seems to spike in the middle of the night, but is barely existent during the daytime. Hopefully it stays down tonight. Because of her fever she stayed home with me while daddy took Olivia out trick-or-treating with Gavyn Moore. It was so fun seeing our neighborhood kids and friends all dressed up.
Our only photo of Mia in her costume. It was just too cold and with her just starting to feel better I didn't get more of a chance. Also, she had a diaper blowout, so the costume came off!
Our adorable elephant!
My girls!
I chopped Olivia's hair off today (per her request), which is evident in this photo.
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1 comment:

Natalie Roehrig said...

Very cute costumes! I really like Olivia's hair short, I just had mine cut similar length!

Noelle really liked Olivia's elephant costume and said she was the "prettiest elephant on the planet"