Sunday, July 19, 2009

Name That Baby

I found a striking resemblance between these two photos. Do you think you can identify the baby in each picture?
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Lauren said...

WOW!!!! I swear it looks like the same babe!!!! Amazing!

Natalie Roehrig said...

They sure do look alike but I do believe Mia's blue eyes give her away, and the sucking on the hand? That is crazy that they look so much alike!

Natalie Roehrig said...

Looking more closely they both have blue eyes, but I think Mia is the bottom picture and if I'm correct her eyes look more blue.

kristian said...

olivia is the bottom picture. her hair is more fine.

kristian said...

although i could be wrong because olivia's hair took longer to grow in. i may have to change my decision.