Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cupcakes Anyone?

Olivia is making a weird face here, but it's the only one I got with her looking at me.

We had our friends, Lauren and Piper, down for lunch and to decorate cupcakes with us. Olivia and Piper had fun frosting and putting sprinkles on the cupcakes. I think Olivia enjoyed decorating them, while Piper seemed to enjoy eating the frosting. The girls had a great time playing, while Lauren and I enjoyed some time chatting and looking at some of her gorgeous pictures from their recent trip to Ireland. She takes such beautiful photographs that I am often embarrassed to post my pictures, but then again it's the best I can do.
After cupcakes the girls enjoyed dressing each other up. Have you ever seen any prettier ladies?
I absolutely loved the look on Mia's face in this picture. She's so darn cute!
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1 comment:

Lauren said...

Amanda, you are too kind...REALLY! You forgot to mention the wonderful lunch you made us and how awesome your cupcakes were!!!