Sunday, April 19, 2015

A New Budding Artist

So every year since Olivia was in kindergarten she has been chosen for the school art show to have one of her masterpieces on display.  This year she is in a new school, Eastwood and informed me she was selected again.  I never saw an invitation like in years past, then one evening I saw a friend's post on FB of her daughter's artwork at the Art Show for Eastwood.  I then asked Olivia if she was in it, which she still thought she was.  The show was the next evening, and Andy and I would be out of town.  So I took the girls to Great Lakes (they host the art show) to get a drink before school and check it out.  There are so many pieces to look at, but Olivia knew it would be one of two pieces.  She looked in those areas and didn't see it.  I think she was a bit disappointed, but didn't let it bother her.  But guess who was selected for the K-2 Art Show this year?  You guessed it, Mia was.
Posing below her work of art that was selected for the art show.

Mia's art show was this past Friday, April 17th at The Open Door Gallery in Sturgis.  While walking into the gallery we saw Olivia's art teacher.  She asked why we didn't come to the Eastwood Art Show.  She informed me that Olivia was in it.  I told her we stopped and didn't see any of her pieces.  She also told us some fell down before the show so they rehung them that night.  Olivia was happy to learn she was in it, but now I feel bad that we did miss her art show.

Mia and Mason (his work of art on the right)

Mason is Mia's best buddy at school this year.  They are so cute playing together.  They crack me up with the size difference between the two.  He's a sweet kid.

Mason picking up Mia before we headed out for the night.  It was a great show to see all the art talent of our K-2 students in Sturgis.

So now we have not one, but two artistic daughters in the family.

UPDATE: Mia and I were at Great Lakes for a meeting this evening and look what we found!  Great job Olivia!

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