Monday, June 23, 2014

First Communion

As usual, I am behind on my blog posts, busy spending time with family, rather than on the computer, but I prefer it that way.  A lot has gone one since the last post.  School has ended :), open houses attended, parties held and attended, but more importantly, Olivia had her first communion.  May 31st was the big day after taking classes all school year long.  She was prepped and we hoped, ready for the big event.  Not being Catholic myself, I had no idea what to expect.  I think I was more nervous that I would have failed prepping her since I felt like a novice.  Of course, everything went wonderfully well.
Olivia heading in wearing her new dress courtesy of Nana and Papa.

Callahan Lamb (our good friend's son) coming in.

Presenting flowers with the gifts.

Getting ready for her first sip of the Blood of Christ.

Callahan and his mother Kelli after communion.

The kids were cracking us up during the service.  Most of the time they were stoic and serious, but we knew secretly they were so excited to drink wine for the first time.  Their reactions were priceless.  Olivia went before a few of her friends and was warning them all that it tasted awful.  They agreed.

Cal's reaction to the wine.

We are proud that our daughter can now not just partake, but understand a little better the sacrifice that Jesus made for all of us.

We celebrated this joyous occasion with a delicious cake made by Kees Vanzelst after at our home.

Olivia sporting her new shoes Nana bought her.  No, she did not wear these shoes for her First Communion ceremony.

A close up of her Converse All Stars.  Some styles never go out of fashion.

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