Another fun family filled Independence Day has came and went. We went to Alpena on Wednesday, June 26th this year. It was later than originally planned, but we decided to buy a new house (more on that in a later blog post), so we decided Andy working a little more would be in our best interest. Our mosquito magnet Mia was bitten immediately upon our arrival at the property. Her eye was swelling by our next morning there and looked even worse by Friday, along with a swollen, red, warm foot, so we headed into the Dr.'s. At least after last year, we knew where to go and they had a file going for her already. The Dr. was more concerned with her foot than the eye, and put her on some antibiotics and steroids. She's always a trooper through it all.

Mia actually laughs more about being funny looking. After all, she's our comedian in the family and I think she knows it adds to her stand up act when she looks that way. We did manage to make it the rest of the 10 days there and the return trip home without any another Dr. visit!
Mia actually laughs more about being funny looking. After all, she's our comedian in the family and I think she knows it adds to her stand up act when she looks that way. We did manage to make it the rest of the 10 days there and the return trip home without any another Dr. visit!
One part I love about being on our property besides the quiet nature and laid back lifestyle is how our girls get along and use their imagination. At home, Olivia is constantly saying she's bored and asking what she can do. Remind you she has oodles of books, toys, games, puzzles, arts and crafts, etc. right at her finger tips at home. Up north, I rarely here, "What can I do?" or "I'm bored." Instead they go out together and create their own little world. The photo above is their homemade teeter totter they developed. The dirty sand pit behind is also what Mia dubbed, "The Compost Site." She was the compost site worker and now wants to do that when she grows up. Each girl made their own house on the property and would invite each other over on a daily basis. Fighting between them is kept to a minimum. It's not completely extinct there. We have the occasional fighting over a toy, or during bad weather (rain and mosquito mobs) when they're forced to stay in the camper, but for the most part they are friends enjoying each other's company.
Olivia being the supreme hostess that she is.
As far as progress on the barn goes, we are happy to report we passed our final inspection! Andy put the windows in, framed in the last wall, installed the garage door and put up the soffit and fascia. It may not look like much, but he got a lot done in a short time. We have no plans to do a lot more to the barn this year, but hope to start working on the inside of it next summer and maybe get it sided.
This year we were blessed to not only have Andy's parents and sister come up to spend time with us, but also Andy's grandma, and Aunt Doris and Uncle Gary, along with Robert. Nana, Papa, Great Grandma, Aunt Doris (or Diva as the girl's lovingly refer to her), and Uncle Gary all made their grand appearance Monday evening. The next day we headed to Ocqueoc Falls just west of Roger City for a short day trip. I had never been, but remember my cousin Erica going regularly as a teen, and always wanted to see for myself. Ocqueoc Falls is the longest (distance not steepest) waterfall in the lower peninsula and the only universally handicapped accessible waterfall in the U.S. You can actually get into the waterfalls and walk up and down them. They have a smooth ramp to allow for easy access to the falls or you can hike the rough terrain to them. The area also boasts camping, and various lengths of hiking and bike trails. It truly was beautiful.
The girls and I atop one part of the falls. The falls kept going on behind us beyond the river bend. Olivia, Andy, and I all ventured to the very top of the falls. Andy and I decided we will remember water shoes next time.
Olivia absolutely loved exploring the falls and us giving her the freedom to do so. She's getting braver as she continues to grow up on us.
Mia holding Aunt Diva's hand as we headed back to the cars. Ocqueoc Falls is definitely on our family's to do list again in the near future. After the falls we drove in to Roger City for the world famous Plath's Meat Market and picked up some food for a cookout, ate some lunch at a cute little restaurant, drove through the awesome and enormous rock quarry, and then hit the Old and New Presque Isle Light Houses. Andy's grandma is amazing. She's turning 84 soon and climbed all 130 stairs up to the top of the new light house and back down. 130 might not sound like a lot, but I have done it a few times now and get winded every time myself. I think they said it's the equivalent of climbing to the top of a 12 or 13 story building. It was terrific to be able to have so much family up with us to celebrate our country's independence. My dad and Patty also were up to add to the family fun. I of course forgot my camera this trip, so I only managed a few photos on my iPad which is what you see here today. Not having my camera allowed me to enjoy all the fun and not be so worried about taking pictures and keeping my camera from getting broken. Andy snapped a few on his phone too, which I'll include in my next post.
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