Not only is today a blessed day to celebrate that Christ is risen, but we also get to celebrate the birth of Mia. She turns 4 years old today! We held her small family party at our home yesterday, so she could have her own special day, and then enjoy Easter too.

Her greatly appreciated Cinderella baby doll from Nana and Papa.
Her greatly appreciated Cinderella baby doll from Nana and Papa.
Blowing out her candle on her cupcake.
I of course was slow with my camera. There aren't many photos from her party. No pictures of the great spread, which included Mia's favorites, guacamole, strawberries, green grapes, raspberries, and blackberries, in a fruit salad, goldfish crackers, Snyders of Hanovers honey mustard pretzles pieces, cupcakes, birthday cake ice cream, and chocolate peanut butter pie, were some of the featured items on her menu. After she delved into about five helpings of guacamole, and everyone else was stuffed, the guests headed their own way. She got many treasured gifts, but was thrilled to be able to have all her family in attendance.
Testing out her new karaoke microphone she got from Andy and I. Let's just say, Andy was not aware of this item and already is waiting for the batteries to die. Olivia is enjoying it even more than Mia.
So, today is now Easter, and our meatball's official birthday. Spring break also falls this week and Mia wants to go to Alpena for her birthday. Who could deny her, her birthday wish? The Easter Bunny came this morning, (a future blog post will include pictures from Easter) the family is enjoying cinnamon rolls for breakfast before they get all dolled up for church. After church is brunch at the auditorium with Andy's family, followed by a quick stop at Nana and Papa's to see what the "Esther Bunny" brought the girls, and then it's north bound to Alpena. We're staying at Days Inn for a few nights since the camper is all winterized and it'll be cold. The girls will be able to enjoy some swimming at the indoor pool, free breakfast, and hot showers, plus Mia can eat at Big Boy. That was her biggest request. Happy Easter everyone!
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