This time of year is often referred to as "the most wonderful time of the year." As a child I always found this to be true, and it's still my favorite time as an adult. But sadly we get so busy with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays that we lose sight of what it's really all about. Every one is stressed about getting their shopping and wrapping done, baking cookies, making food for countless parties, concerts and shows, decorating to the hilt, sending Christmas cards, cleaning the house, you name it. The stress levels mount and what should be a wonderful time ends up being all encompassing and overwhelming. I made a decision this year that I was not going to let that happen to me.
Our dear friends, the Randalls, are moving to South Carolina come February. Jer has been down getting training for his new job already, and Tina went down for a week to check out the town and house hunt. They left their three little darlings with Tina's parents, and we were blessed to get to help out and take Emma from them for one night. Trying to figure out how to return Emma to her Nana and Papa with various church services going on Sunday, we decided the easiest plan would be for us to just go to their church, the Presbyterian for that week. This is the church that the girls have attended VBS at for a few summers and we know a lot of parishoners. The girls were thrilled when not only did we get to sit with Nana Sharon and Papa Dave, but Jackie also came to sit with us. The sermon is what really rang home with me. It came from Phillipians 4 and to sum it up in my words was about the joy we should have in us at all times and that we shouldn't be filled with worries. As humans we feel we aren't putting enough importance on things if we don't worry about them, but we need to offer up our worries to God in prayer and live in the joy. It resonated to me at a time I needed to hear it most. After such tragedy has struck our country and parents are panicked to send their children to school, now more than ever is a time we need to find a way not to worry, but carry on through Christ and find joy that does exist in so many places on this Earth. I left the church feeling uplifted and ready to not let any Christmas chaos ruin the true spirit of Christmas for me. I am looking forward to church services, time with my family, and delicious food to share among them. I also can't wait to celebrate our Lord's birth.

Olivia playing the part as the Angel of the Lord bringing good tidings of great joy, that shall be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
To add to my Christmas spirit that same evening we visited a live nativity. I've been involved with Holy Angels youth group for two years now. This year we entered a Nativity contest as a "live Nativity." It truly was something to behold. The crèche was rustic, yet beautiful, the children full of spirit, and yes, we had live animals as well.
I decided to take the girls with me since this was something we were doing for the community to come out and witness. Mia liked seeing the animals, but she's getting over being sick and just wanted to go home to bed. So I took her home to daddy, but Olivia was really enjoying herself and stayed with me. She even jumped in as an angel.
Our dear friends, the Randalls, are moving to South Carolina come February. Jer has been down getting training for his new job already, and Tina went down for a week to check out the town and house hunt. They left their three little darlings with Tina's parents, and we were blessed to get to help out and take Emma from them for one night. Trying to figure out how to return Emma to her Nana and Papa with various church services going on Sunday, we decided the easiest plan would be for us to just go to their church, the Presbyterian for that week. This is the church that the girls have attended VBS at for a few summers and we know a lot of parishoners. The girls were thrilled when not only did we get to sit with Nana Sharon and Papa Dave, but Jackie also came to sit with us. The sermon is what really rang home with me. It came from Phillipians 4 and to sum it up in my words was about the joy we should have in us at all times and that we shouldn't be filled with worries. As humans we feel we aren't putting enough importance on things if we don't worry about them, but we need to offer up our worries to God in prayer and live in the joy. It resonated to me at a time I needed to hear it most. After such tragedy has struck our country and parents are panicked to send their children to school, now more than ever is a time we need to find a way not to worry, but carry on through Christ and find joy that does exist in so many places on this Earth. I left the church feeling uplifted and ready to not let any Christmas chaos ruin the true spirit of Christmas for me. I am looking forward to church services, time with my family, and delicious food to share among them. I also can't wait to celebrate our Lord's birth.
Olivia playing the part as the Angel of the Lord bringing good tidings of great joy, that shall be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
To add to my Christmas spirit that same evening we visited a live nativity. I've been involved with Holy Angels youth group for two years now. This year we entered a Nativity contest as a "live Nativity." It truly was something to behold. The crèche was rustic, yet beautiful, the children full of spirit, and yes, we had live animals as well.
I decided to take the girls with me since this was something we were doing for the community to come out and witness. Mia liked seeing the animals, but she's getting over being sick and just wanted to go home to bed. So I took her home to daddy, but Olivia was really enjoying herself and stayed with me. She even jumped in as an angel.
These calves are only one day old.
The youth were terrific battling a bit of rain, but stuck it out without complaint. Music filled the air with songs of Christ's coming birth. It really got me in the mood for the true meaning of Christmas and was a great time to spend with other children, especially having my Olivia with me.
1 comment:
I love this blog! It is very true how we let worries tant the beauty and joy that exists all around us. We do have so much to be thankful for. Several years ago I actually stopped doing presents (would probably be different if I had children of my own) for that very reason...too much stress! I agree, I love spending time with my family and friends and welcoming in the peace of the season together. You are a wonderful mother, Amanda, teaching your girls the important truths and pure joys of life. xoxo!
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