Sunday, April 1, 2012

And She's 3!

Before you know it, my baby girl turned 3. She is little miss independent, but still loves to be babied. Mia wants to do everything for herself, and often refers to herself as a big girl, but if she's tired and I call her a big girl, she quickly corrects me and says, "No, me baby!" She then likes me to pick her up and hold her like a baby. Since she is most likely my last, I give in and treasure some "baby time." I tell both my girls all the time, that one day they will not want me around or to snuggle with me. They seem to disagree, but until that day comes, I will take full advantage of these days in the present.
Starting in on the gifts
Mia's birthday weekend was a busy time. Friday evening, the night before, we drove to Dundee to drop Andy off with his friend Tom Roehrig and some of Tom's friends so they could head to a Detroit Red Wings game. The girls and I then grabbed a bite to eat, took a scenic tour of the surrounding area, and eventually ended up at the home of the Roehrig family. We of course woke all four of their children up upon our arrival. Natalie and I enjoyed watching "The Help," after we managed to get all our children off to sleep. The next morning the children enjoyed a few hours of playing together on Mia's official birthday before we headed back home to clean our house and get ready for our now 3 year old's birthday party! Andy took the girls to Jimi Joe's which officially reopened for the season, while I finished getting everything around.
It was a small party of just family. Nana and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Jen, Aunt Libby, and a handful of cousins. Still with such a small number of attendees, there was a multitude of gifts. Too much as usual, but we are blessed.
Violette, Noelle, and Miss Mia
The spread, complete with many of Mia's favorites.
She was thrilled to get Linny from the Wonder Pets from Nana and Papa!
Her big gift from Mom and Dad. Her own Mini Cooper! She even got a convertible. She was beaming a true genuine smile for quite some time.
Olivia locating the monkey.
For dinner she wanted pancakes so we headed to a local restaurant that serves breakfast all day. She ordered Mickey pancakes. The food was good. The staff sang to Mia. She became a little aprehensive at that point, but just snuggled up close to me while she was serenaded. We then went and bought batteries for her hide and seek monkey she got. Someone hides the monkey, and once hidden the other player has a remote that they push a button on. The monkey then makes his, "ooh ooh, aah aah," noise so the seeker can try and locate him. The entire family had a ton of fun hiding and seeking out the monkey.
Mia found him in the bathrooom!
We were all exhausted after a busy day and knew that the next day would bring just as much excitement with a trip to Chuckee Cheese, with Abram and the rest of the Randall family. Thank you to everyone for spoiling our little Mia monster. She truly was on cloud nine all weekend thanks to everyone's love and kindness.
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Ian and Sarah Niecko said...

I just love the mini cooper! That is a great gift...Grandpa Jim will have to give her the ins and outs of road safety. So good to see you last week.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mia!!!!

Jennifer and family :)

Natalie Roehrig said...

It was wonderful to have you guys over. I'm sorry about your long detour, but am extremely impressed with how together you were and your ability to finally find our house! Happy Birthday in the hell did our girls get so old? Mia is just a beautiful soul!