Sunday, January 1, 2012

Santa Came!

Yes, Olivia, there is a Santa Clause!

Olivia woke earlier than I had anticipated. I am still like a child and have a difficult time sleeping on Christmas Eve, so I was hoping for a little sleeping in time. We were up and tearing into presents at about 6:15.
Mia scored it big with four tractors from Santa. One even lights up and makes noise. Santa is welcome to take that one back whenever he'd like.

Olivia was thrilled that Santa honored her request for a Fancy Nancy Doll.

Mia was very thankful and particularly loving Christmas morning. Some days she is and others days she's a pistol. We're glad she felt the love on Christmas and shared it with us.

Santa also brought Olivia lots of art supplies and the DVD for the 4th Pirates of the Carribbean.
It was a terrific Christmas morning at our house and we hope the same for everyone else.
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1 comment:

Natalie Roehrig said...

Looks like Santa was good to the girls! I love the picture of Mia hugging Andy, so cute!