Well, the Easter Bunny visited our house as he usually does, but the Easter Bug also visited poor Mia. She's been getting every illness that's being passed around. The day before she had an out of the blue vomit, but seemed better later on.
Well, Sunday morning, we were changing diapers every 10 minutes. She still enjoyed hunting for her basket and eggs, as did Olivia. Mia and daddy stayed home and napped while Olivia and I headed to church.

Olivia found her basket! The Easter Bunny was extra nice to our girls this year. The Tangled DVD and a personalized bag for dance were among some of Olivia's new found treasures.
Well, Sunday morning, we were changing diapers every 10 minutes. She still enjoyed hunting for her basket and eggs, as did Olivia. Mia and daddy stayed home and napped while Olivia and I headed to church.
Olivia found her basket! The Easter Bunny was extra nice to our girls this year. The Tangled DVD and a personalized bag for dance were among some of Olivia's new found treasures.
Mia found her Easter basket in the snack cupboard, but immediately pulled out the Spongebob Band-aids. She loves band-aids!
I loved this photo! We're full swing into potty training. The Easter Bunny even brought her some big girl underwear, but sadly it was not the day to start wearing them.
Later in the day, Mia seemed to be back to her old energetic self, so we ventured over to Nana and Papa's. The girls enjoyed yet again, another round of hunting for eggs and baskets from both Nana and Papa, as well as Aunt Jen.
A trail of bunny paw prints led the way to eggs and baskets! Mia had more fun finding the paw prints than anything else I think.
Mia finding an egg. What could be inside?
Olivia found a basket in the bathroom!
Another egg for Mia!
You are my Sunshine, Olivia Jane!
We enjoyed a delightful Sunday with Nana, Papa, and Aunt Jen with delicious food to indulge in. Mia made it just fine and dandy. That is until we got home. She immediately vomited upon our entry into the house. So an extra day home with mommy was had the next day. Overall, it was a great Easter, minus the sickness. We hope everyone else had a blessed Easter and was able to celebrate to reason behind the joyous holiday.
1 comment:
Sounds like a really nice Easter, minus the puking! I'm so happy to see updates, I've been waiting for them!
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