Saturday, November 13, 2010


My sister's family is in town for the weekend, so they stopped by briefly and left me with the middle 3 while she went out shopping. It's always great seeing them.
Olivia holding her favorite girl cousin, Jane
Jane sticking her cute little tongue out.
My naked little jaybird, Mia. She's gone over to the dark side I think. Seriously, I cannot keep clothes or a diaper on her. If anyone out there has suggestions, send them my way please.

Titus, Asher, and all smiles James
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Natalie Roehrig said...

Jane is so adorable!

I'm telling duct tape on the diaper works really well! The only trouble is getting the diaper off you have to right the sides, but it stopped Max and that was a giant feat.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Love to have my dick up her butthole