Thursday, December 31, 2009

9 Months on New Years Eve

It's hard to believe the year 2009 has come and gone, but with it so many new things in our life, but most importantly our happy energetic little Mia. She's been with us 9 months already today and we can't imagine life without her. Her eyes have remained blue and she still has a pretty good amount of hair. She is quieter than Olivia as a baby, but when she does start making noise she doesn't stop. We've never seen such a happy baby. She rarely fusses unless she's hungry and even then it's minimal. She will fall down or whack herself and just laughs. Mia continues to work on her road to walking. Each day she takes a few independent steps, but still likes to have something to hold onto. The speed on this girl is phenomenal! She is into everything so quickly, and when I move her away from her target, I turn and look and she's there again. Determination comes to mind as a good word to define Mia. She prefers to pull herself up and walk along things as opposed to crawling. She started waving in early December. Momma has been the key word in her vocabulary until December 19th. She looked at Andy and babbled, "Dada." He was so proud. Now "Dada" is her repeated word whenever she is happy. "Momma" is only spoken when she's tired and wants to eat. Still no teeth, but everything still goes in the mouth to either chew on or eat. I've been trying to teach her kisses. I'm not sure if she's picked up the concept or if she's just trying to eat my face, but I like to think she's giving me kisses. She also makes this smacking noise with her mouth. She smacks her lips together over and over. It reminds me of an old man chewing food without his dentures in. We've had a wonderful 9 months and know 2010 will only bring more memorable moments to our lives!
Trying out her new tricycle that Santa brought her per Olivia's suggestion to Santa. She crawls to it and pulls herself up on it all the time.
"You can't find me!"
Mia loves Vada, and the reciprocal is true too. Vada just needs to learn how big she is compared to Mia.
Mia on New Years Eve!
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Natalie Roehrig said...

Happy 9 Months beautiful baby Mia!

Lauren said...

Soooo cute!!!! It was great spending time with you guys...your girls are too sweet for words!!!