Friday, August 21, 2009

Georgia Bound

Love those hands!

We are headed out tomorrow, bright and early, for Georgia. Andy's brother Aaron and his wife Christy live there near Alabama. They've yet to meet Mia, and we've yet to see their house, so we're heading that way, along with Andy's parents, for one week. It'll be my last week off before having to report back to work. They live in a little town in the middle of nowhere, but I'm looking forward to a laid back week, with not much to do, surrounded by good company. Traveling has always stressed me out, especially driving, so I can't say I'm looking forward to the drive, but I know we'll have a terrific time once we arrive. I will be sure to post pictures upon our return, but I won't have another post for over one week. At least I can get a peaceful nights sleep knowing the bags are all packed, the vehicle is loaded up, and my house is clean! Yes, that's right. I get to return from vacation to a clean house.
What says summer more than corn on the cob? Olivia loves it!

Mia with all her bandages after her immunizations. She was a trooper.
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1 comment:

Natalie Roehrig said...

I hope you guys have a nice, relaxing, wonderful trip! Also I hope that awfully long drive went by smoothly!