Saturday, June 20, 2009

Updates on our Girls

This picture makes me think of the cute saying we teach toddlers, "I love you THIS much!" and then spread your arms as wide as you can. Mommy loves you more than you'll ever be able to stretch your arms around Mia!
An apple a day keeps the Dentist away! Olivia has been munching away on apples and carrots lately as the Dentist recommended to her. She went Wednesday, June 17th to have some cavities filled. She amazed me at how well she did. She was excited to go, having never heard any horror stories of the Dentists, and all her previous experiences have been pleasant. I didn't want to deter this feeling, but I didn't want her being so naive either. We simply told her it might hurt a little bit. The Dentist and her assistant were wonderful. They didn't use any anesthesia, and Olivia never noticed a thing. She sat in the chair, opened her mouth, and let them do their thing. She had two filled so far, and we go back Tuesday to have the rest filled. I'm so proud of her. She made it look so easy that if I ever have a cavity I won't be so worried.
Mia is all dolled up in this photo for Emma's tea party as well. She pooed through it and onto me within our first half hour there. Her dress didn't last long. She's been smiling so much more and constantly doing her baby babble. I guess that just is a sign that Andy's in for more headaches with another female chatterbox in the house.

Towards the end of Emma's party Mia was getting fussy and there were two other sleeping babies in attendance which we did not want to wake. I took her crying as our cue to leave. I sat her in the carseat on the front steps as I got Olivia's things around. Emma took it upon herself to sit and watch Mia for me. She rocked the carseat and got Mia to stop crying. I've decided that I will take Emma home with me anytime. She is so good with Mia.
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1 comment:

Natalie Roehrig said...

The girls are just so darn beautiful! I love Mia's dress for the tea party, she looks great in dark pink!