Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mia's 1st week!

We had our one week check up at the Dr.'s today. Mia weighed in at 7 pounds 8 ounces, and measured 21 1/2 inches long. She's up 9 ounces and grew 1/2 an inch in a week. I thought that was about normal, but the Doctor kept commenting on how great her weight gain was for a breastfed baby. Olivia gained even more than that, so it didn't seem so amazing to me. The Dr. gave her a clean bill of health and said we had a perfect baby on our hands, to which I agreed. I wasn't too worried anything was wrong with her, but it was good to have a medical professional tell you your child is healthy and growing strong.
Aunt Joan came to visit on Sunday and meet Mia. It's always great to see her. I'm so glad we have her living so close now. Olivia was so excited to see her and show off her new baby sister. We also had Marc and Stevie around for the weekend. Steve flew in from Florida because his sister Angie just had a little girl, Anna, and his nephew was having his 2nd birthday party. All our family, friends, and neighbors have been wonderful at stopping in to congratulate us and bringing meals and various gifts. Thank you to all.
On Saturday, which was advertised as going to be this beautiful day, I bundled up the girls and we went and met Nana and Papa at Thurston Woods Nursing Home for their annual Easter egg hunt. Of course they do it by age groups, and Olivia's was almost the last group to go. Mia and I hung out in the car to stay warm and nurse, while Olivia complained of being cold and went inside the nursing home with Nana to warm up. Once it was time for the egg hunt, she stopped shivering long enough to collect quite a few eggs! She had fun knocking down boys who got in her way of finding every egg she could get her hands on.
Saturday did warm up a bit, and was a day Olivia has anxiously been waiting for. Jimmi Joe's Ice Cream shop officially reopened for the season! I promised Olivia a week or so ago she could go, even if mommy was in labor. Olivia rode her bike over there while Andy walked with her. Mia and I drove over and met them, because we had to leave from their for Asher Saltzman's 2nd birthday party. Olivia was thrilled to get her cotton candy ice cream. I'm sure we will be back to Jimmi Joe's again soon!
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kristian said...

she looks like andy, though i said that about olivia too when she was born and now olivia is a mini-amanda :)

Natalie Roehrig said...

I can't believe how much you are getting out...I still can't drive for another 3 weeks! You are super Mom! Mia is so precious, I can't wait to meet her, hopefully sooner rather than later! I hope things continue to go well and you continue to have great breast milk! lol

Natalie Roehrig said...

I just showed Noelle the pictures of Mia and she said, "She is so cute, as cute as the sun is big!"

Unknown said...

This is priceless!!!