The Feyes Family officially celebrated Earth Hour on March 28th, 2009. If one were to have driven by our house that evening from 8:30-9:30 P.M. they would have thought no one was home, or that we were having a power outage. Earth Hour is a worldwide effort to get numerous cities and households on board to turn off their power for one hour simultaneously each year. This is the 2nd year we have done so, but last year we were in Minnesota, so it wasn't too hard. We played cards by candlelight and flashlight. At first Olivia was a little upset at the idea of not being able to have power, but she quickly bought in. All though her luck was not so great at Uno for the evening she loved bath time. We lit candles in the bathroom and even had one in the tub. Andy and she soaked while I entertained Vada in the bathroom. Now every evening Olivia requests we pretend the power is out and we take a candlelit bath. It truly was a simple way to get on board a worldwide movement to try and conserve energy. Check it out next year if you aren't participating already!
Olivia and Vada posing for a picture. Olivia rarely likes to wear clothes if you haven't noticed.
Looking the part of sweet and innocent. Looks can be deceiving!
My precious little angel sleeps.
1 comment:
Congratulations on Mia's arrival!
Olivia is too cute! I can't wait to see pictures of Olivia and Mia, they will be so precious!
I hope you are resting up and enjoying the peace of the hospital!
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