Friday, the 20th of June our family was invited to a hotdog roast by Aunt Jennifer and Robert. It was down in La Grange at Robert's boss's log cabin and woods. The place was gorgeous! Everyone was having a swell time. Olivia loved going for rides on the John Deere Gator and the Kabota version of it as well. They had 130 acres of land and lots of trails to explore. Olivia rode the trails with numerous people. It had gotten dark and she was out riding with Robert and Jennifer in the Kabota. They'd been gone for awhile, but I didn't think much of it. We just sat around the bonfire and enjoyed conversation with Robert's family and friends. After awhile I saw the Gator driving back and could hear Olivia crying (She had been doing lots of that lately so it came as no surprise to me to hear her crying), but I remembered she left in the Kabota and realized she was returning in the Gator and riding with a man named Drew. He handed Olivia to me and then calmly announced that Robert had rolled the Kabota and Jennifer might be stuck. The men all jumped to their feet and into the Gator to go help. I am so relieved that he brought Olivia back with him or I would have been panic stricken at the thought of my little girl rolled over in a ditch. She had a small gash on her forehead, but I think was more scared about a man she didn't know taking her away from Robert and Jennifer and the whole rolling experience. She was also quite concerned at this point with aunt Jen. Shortly later the Gator returned with all that set out to help along with Jennifer and Robert. Jennifer had taken the brunt of the injuries trying to protect Olivia. She handed Olivia up to Robert immediately after the crash and then passed out. She came to and had some scrapes on her forehead and complained of her arms hurting and the back of her head, but refused to go to the hospital. Robert's mother came to check her out, who happens to have been a nurse not too long ago. She seemed to think she would be alright. Jennifer was concerned and very apologetic to Olivia. Neither Andy or myself were upset. We are just happy no one sustained any serious injuries and that all the boo boos will heal. I guess what happened was Robert drove the Kabota down a trail that came to a dead end. (Andy had Olivia by himself down this particular trail earlier, and I'm so glad it didn't happen with just the two of them.) Naturally he tried to back up and turn around a bit. Well, unbeknown to him or Jennifer there was a ditch on this side at least six feet deep that one of the tires quickly found and over they went. If you ask Olivia about the night you will most likely hear her say one of three things. "Drew saved me!" "I don't want to ride in a bota anymore." or "there a stinky raccoon at the ginning." (There was a dead raccoon at the beginning of the trails.) We avoided telling nana and papa for a few days, because we knew they would freak. Olivia has been very accident prone lately and cries over anything these days. She whines a lot and often with good reason, but you can't get her to stop. When she awoke from our drive home from Owosso she wouldn't stop crying. We finally went to see Nana who consoled Olivia. Three days of constant activity, comings and goings, injuries and no naps, does not make for a pleasant child.
The boo boo girls a few days after their accident.
That sounds like a very scary accident with potentially dangerous "boo boos". Good to hear everyone came out with minor wounds. It sounds like Noelle and Olivia are in the same boat with much whinning and lack of naps making for difficult time. Gotta love the busy days of Summer!
When are you two going to come over and make a day trip to the Toledo Zoo??? Maybe after the Fourth since I'm sure you have busy plans for the upcomming weeks. We are just sitting around home, as always! :(
i'm glad everyone is ok. that scared me while reading it.
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