Thursday, April 17, 2008

The first of many pictures from our cruise!

Olivia and I on our way to the Norwegian Sun from the airport. Olivia traveled so well for us, thankfully.

Olivia's favorite past time was jumping out of our port hole window. She tried to make Andy and I jump with her all the time too. We humored her once or twice, but when we stopped she said, "Ah, come on guys!" It was so cute.

Posing swimsuit diva!

Olivia and daddy on deck our first morning on the ship. I have many cute photos of the two together although Olivia was joined to me at the hip. She definitely was a mommy's girl on the cruise. I couldn't even go to the bathroom without her.
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1 comment:

Natalie Roehrig said...

I've been waiting for these pictures! I can't wait to see lucky bums!