While I was working on the computer tonight, Olivia was slithering around in the dark in the room next to me. She was being all too quiet so I asked, "What are you up to Squirt?" She replied with a whine, and then said, "You scare me mommy!" I said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She then hollered, "You scared me for the last time!"
I just love the random things that come out of her mouth. One of her new lines is "Glad to meet you." She has to shake your hand as she says this.
For those of you who don't know I am a Days of our Lives fan. Olivia gets the pleasure of watching it with me from time to time. As a family we watch The Biggest Loser every Tuesday night. When this was on one night Olivia started screaming, "Mommy, she's from your show!" She was referring to the host Alison Sweeney on Biggest Loser who plays Sami Brady on Days of our Lives. I was so surprised to see her make that connection. Andy had on American Idol a few weeks ago and one of the singers sang the song "Hallelujah." Olivia right away said "This is my song, this is on Shrek!" She was correct, it is a song on Shrek and she was so excited to hear it. She seems to make a lot of connections these days, so we really need to watch what we say around her. We rented the movie A Night at the Museum a week ago and after watching one time Olivia dubbed it the Dinosaur movie and knew almost all the characters names. We also had to all take turns pretending to be characters in the movie and act out scenes. It is now her new favorite movie and was quite sad when we had to return it to the video store. Who knows, maybe the Easter Bunny will slip it in her basket.
Just a few random pictures I took that I liked.
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