Another 4th of July has come and gone. We spent the week as we usually do, in Alpena. We are so thankful we were there. We enjoyed absolutely beautiful weather the entire time, topping off in the 80s typically, while Sturgis battled with over 100 degree temps the entire week. Andy's parents and Jennifer joined us in Alpena on Sunday. The following day we headed out on a glass bottom boat tour of the many shipwrecks in the Thunder Bay. Crystal clear green waters made it so easy to view the remains of what once was a great freighter, barge, or schooner that sailed our Great Lakes. The crew were entertaining and could answer all kinds of questions. It was perfect weather and an enjoyable ride.

Esther and John with Olivia standing in front of Lady Michigan, the boat we sailed on.

A view of some wreckage. I can't recall what ship this was.

Olivia letting the wind hit her face and blow through her locks.

John and my dad at the annual parade.

The girls standing ready to retrieve gobs of candy.

The motel John and Esther stayed at was on the beach and butted up next to the Starlight Beach, which had it's annual Sand Castle building competition. It was cool to see all the creations. I didn't get any pictures of them, but they were amazing. They also inspired Olivia. Above she is posing with her sand turtle creation, and yes, her turtle is tipping back on a wine cooler.

Mia and Aunt Jen anxioulsy waiting for the fireworks.

As always, the fireworks didn't disappoint this year. We thought they might at first when we saw two huge fireballs eruppt at the start. We were sure that a huge amount of them went up together, and someone had to have been hurt. No sirens were ever heard, and they were spectacular as is the norm. Glad no one was hurt and we got to experience the deafening grand finale that we've grown a custom to love.

Mia and Olivia sitting on the sand couch that Olivia constructed. Not too visible here, but there was also a coffee table and a television. Mia is also doing her "rapper" pose as Aunt Jen refers to it.
The week was filled with a little work on the property, followed by time with family. We visited the local winery on our only rainy day, but the rain didn't last long. We spent some days lounging by the beach and soaking up the sun's warm rays. Routines and schedules were completely thrown out the window. If Mia did manage to get a nap it was not near her usual time. The girls rarely got to bed before 10:00 and some nights 11:00, but memories were made and will be cherished.

Our last night at the property dad and Patty came for a cookout. It's great to have all our family together to enjoy the beauty of Alpena and celebrate Independence Day.

Our patriotic display.
We loved spending so much time with Mother Nature, but sometimes Mother Nature bites, literally. Being in the woods, you're bound to get mosquito bites. Mia and Olivia had a fair number after the first night there. Overall the mosquitos weren't really that bad this year, but poor Mia and the mosquitos didn't quite get along. Monday evening we noticed one of her mosquito bites looking blistered and infected. We popped it, cleaned it, and bandaged it up. The next day it still was looking discolored around it, plus she had another blister between her toes on the same foot, but not as bad. We found a Dr. Office with walk in hours and headed in. Sure enough, he agreed it was infected and prescribed some antibiotics.

Mia's poor foot.
On the drive home, we noticed a mosquito bite on Mia's face just below her cheekbone, start to turn white and as we got closer to Sturgis, it started to swell some. By night time, it was noticabley swollen. This morning she couldn't open her eye. Since it is Sunday, we headed to the ER since not many other options are available. They gave her a shot of steroids that she took like a trooper. They also prescribed steroids and another antibiotic. Hopefully this clears it all up. Her swelling has been going down already today. We debated spending a large chunk of change on a mosquito eater machine that is supposed to keep over one acre clear. Now with Mia's reactions, I think it's no longer a debate, we will be getting one before we head up again.
We stopped in East Tawas on the way home for a few hours to visit with the Mighty Doyle Clan. It's always good to see them. Then it was a smooth sailing, little traffic, uneventful drive home.
Another greath 4th of July is in the books for us. We hope the same is true for all of you!

Cyclops Mia - thankfully it doesn't seem to bother her at all. She laughs about it more than anything.