Anyone who has ever met our family or stepped foot in our house knows we always have projects going on. Our basement has been a work in progress for almost nine years now. We've almost finished it, but it's just sat dormant, waiting for some attention from anyone but the dog and the occassional mice that we've had issues with in the past. Well, we are in the home stretch and trying to finish her off. It will be nice to have another level of the house that is ready to be invaded by us. Andy's just thrilled to get his "man space," but I've had fun planning how to decorate his "man space." I had to promise not to make it feminine, but I don't want it to scream, "Come belch and scratch yourself," either. I have a plan in place, but we'll have to wait and see how it all unfolds. I'll be sure to post pictures of the finished product on the blog. In the meantime we've had fun doing a bit of furniture shopping, buying Andy his long awaited TV, and checking out paint and carpet samples. A few old chairs have been picked up from a second hand store so I can have some creative fun refinishing them too. Where I have come to a hault with ideas was the artwork for the walls. Bare walls just don't survive in my home. I don't like them cluttered, but the artist in my screams when it sees a blank wall. It's just longing for a masterpiece to display. I think I've found the solution. Lately, I find myself looking at my beautiful girls and all their quirky faces they make. I try and memorize each face and mood it depicts. I thought a few months ago how fun it would be to have a photo session of the girls and their silly faces. Aha, that's it! My artwork for the walls, will be the faces I love to see. Believe it or not, I have no plain white walls in my house. I wanted to try out some photos with just a bare white background, so I played around with the girls last night in the kitchen on the almost white walls to just get an idea how it would work. They had so much fun, as did I. I don't think these will be the chosen few, but I thought they were worth showing off.

Olivia's giving mom attitude face
Olivia's giving mom attitude face