Mia on the Ringenberg's tractor
Everyone has that friend they've known since childhood, that's there for them through thick and thin. A lifelong friend you can always rely on. Well, my friend since the womb has been Sarah (Ringenberg) Niecko. Our mothers were best friends and we spent much of our childhood together. Our families were second families for each other. I loved my days spent at their home on Maple Street, riding the pedal tractor and snuggling with Sweetsie, their beloved dog. Sarah and I attended different elementary schools, but always remained friends. When we hit middle school, we were in the same building for the first time. We had stages where we hung out a lot, but through middle and high school we each developed our own group of friends and interests. Our friend group would overlap now and then, but we didn't hang out as much in the later years. That didn't mean our friendship was gone. Whenever I needed Sarah, she was there. Sometimes before I even realized I needed her. I remember the evening my mother passed away. Karen, Sarah's mother was at our house immediately. She laid my head on her lap and brushed my hair with her hand for at least an hour. The next morning I wanted to go to school. All my friends, who were my main support group were there. We used to go wait in the balcony of the old middle school gym before school started. I was the first one there that morning with my dear friend Kayla who'd come down from Marshall to be with me. Sarah was one of the next ones to enter the balcony. She saw me and immediately ran to me and threw her arms around me and we just sobbed together. She knew my mother and entire family like no one else. I think she understood my loss more than any other friend I had could.
Sarah, Karen, me, and Mia
The years and our locations have distanced Sarah and I. About 1 1/2 years ago, Sarah and her husband Ian moved to the bush in Alaska. Sarah is in the medical field and Ian a pastor. They have amazing stories and adventures that I get to read about regularly. The funny part of them being so far, is Sarah and I have reconnected in a stronger way than we have in a long time. The distance has strengthened our friendship. I email her with news, to seek spiritual advice, or just to say hi. It's great to have my life long friend back in my life. What's better yet, is Sarah and Ian arrived home this past week for a visit with both of their families. I spent a bit of time Friday night catching up with Sarah while the girls were out on their Daddy date. Sarah really wanted to see the girls too, so we biked over last night and were pleased to be able to see Jason (Sarah's older brother) his wife Susie, and their gorgeous daughters Micah and McClaine. We had so much fun reminiscing of old times and Ian sharing tales of their horrific driving escspades in Alaska. Soon they will be leaving this extremely warm Michigan to return to a frozen tundra, but I will hold all our memories close. It's a blessing to have a friend who's known you for life, and you can pick right up where you last left off. I pray that everyone has such a friend.
Olivia always posing
Lifelong friends
Olivia, McClaine, and Mia (being a grump)
Sarah is great with kids
Sweet little Mia