Sunday, August 22, 2010

Random Pictures

Nothing special to report, just life going on in our home. The projects to the house continue so the camera hasn't been out much, but below are a few cute pictures of the girls.

Mia dancing, one of her favorite past times these days.

The girls coloring together with Mia's "Tadoole" markers. They have a great time with these. They are quite messy, but wash off so easy. Mia attempts to eat them as the next photo shows.

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Showering Jane With Love!

On Sunday August 1st, Patty and I threw a little shower for Elizabeth and baby Jane. Being the first girl and the 5th child, we figured Elizabeth could use some baby items, and who doesn't love buying things for a new baby. We kept it fairly small, but we had an excellent turn out of family and close friends.
Joan Elizabeth holding Jane Elizabeth
The house was filled with many young girls as well. They had a great time hanging out in the back porch and playing in the yard.
This photo is for Nana Sharon. She wanted a picture of "all" her girls together.
(From L to R: Amanda, with Mia and Olivia on lap, Elizabeth holding Jane, Tina with Emma and Kylee)
Grandpa and his granddaughter Jane that share the same birthday!

Thank you to everyone who helped make the shower so special for Elizabeth and Jane!
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Friday, August 6, 2010

Our last trip up north

Towards the end of July we made a very quick trip up north. My cousin Brad's son Dylan, had graduated from HS and they were hosting a open house in his honor. We wanted to make it up for that, especially since it would bring together quite a few family members we don't get to see often enough.
Olivia and Hunter, My cousin Brett's son who will be 3 in November.
Mia and Andy hanging out together.
Hunter and Olivia saying their goodbyes. Those two really hit it off.
Mia sitting on the tractor with daddy for a picture. Mean old mommy wouldn't let her ride on it with daddy.
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Silly Times

Sickness and home projects have taken us by storm lately. Each one of us caught a flu bug a couple weeks ago and now Mia has a severe ear infection and has been running high temperatures. Our house has been in disaray for weeks while we painted kitchen cabinets and put up a tile backsplash. The sickness and everyday life caused our projects to take longer than expected, but that is life. We still have to paint our dining room and the kitchen walls, but we'll eventually get to those. In the mean time the house is getting somewhat back to normalcy. Even throughout the chaos that has become our home we managed to squeeze in a little time to just be plain silly.
Olivia and Daddy looking their finest.
Walk like an Egyptian! The theme of VBS this year was Egypt. Very fun, although the first night is when poor Olivia's flu bug decided to kick in.

Olivia's cute little "sandals" they made at VBS.

Mia loves to show her "plumber's crack." If she can reach her diaper this is what she does ALL the time!
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