Time to say good-bye!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
The First Noelle!
Time to say good-bye!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Hoppy Halloween!
Olivia and baby Gavyn all dressed up to go trick-or-treating!
Olivia with Grandpa McNeil. He had to stop by and see his cute little frog on Halloween.
Well another successful Halloween has come and gone. Olivia was thrilled to dress up in her frog costume and go trick-or-treating around the neighborhood with daddy. She did so well at going up to every house and saying "trick-or-treat" and "thank you!" She would even say "Ribbitt, ribbitt!" at some houses. When she returned she helped me pass out candy to all the trick-or-treaters. She started the day at Jackie's having a Halloween costume party with all of the the other kids. She wore her bear costume there because mommy didn't want her to get her frog dirty and ruined before the evening. Hopefully we can reuse it down the road for any siblings that may come along. She had a great time at Jackie's and made a shaker toy and decorated a pumpkin. We are so glad she was able to find a spot at Jackie's daycare again. She adores Jackie and her husband Bill and does great with the other children there. We are so comfortable with her staying there that it brings such a peace of mind. Not that Olivia staying at my sister's didn't. Elizabeth just had too much on her plate with the new baby coming and all. Everything worked out for the best. Elizabeth is due with baby number 4 any day now. I'm convinced it's a girl for once, but then again, I am almost always wrong at these things. I just pray she has a smooth delivery and a happy healthy baby. I will keep everyone posted with that information.
Olivia with Jackie at her Halloween party.
Watch out! A ferocious bear is on the prowl. Roooaaarrrr!